The Analysis of Sorority Interactions & Engagement During an Event


The following paper will explore The Analysis of Sorority Interactions & Engagement During an Event for the purpose of Barrett, The Honors College Thesis Creative Project. My topic will be explored as a Creative Project with this document being written

The following paper will explore The Analysis of Sorority Interactions & Engagement During an Event for the purpose of Barrett, The Honors College Thesis Creative Project. My topic will be explored as a Creative Project with this document being written documentation supporting and explaining the creative project along with research, reason & findings from the event. The event itself stands for the majority of this creative project as that is where this written report gained & sourced its survey results from. An analysis of the event taking place and the attendees themselves created data into the ever-changing event industry. Specifically, a creative project like this shows the importance of events in everyday life especially the need for events post-COVID-19 restrictions.

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