Application of Lean Six Sigma on the Services of DNASU Plasmid Repository


Lean philosophy is a set of practices aimed at reducing waste in an industry/enterprise. By eliminating the aspects of a system that do not add value, the system process will be able to work continuously in a flow, and as

Lean philosophy is a set of practices aimed at reducing waste in an industry/enterprise. By eliminating the aspects of a system that do not add value, the system process will be able to work continuously in a flow, and as a result have a shorter cycle time. With a shorter cycle time, less resources are diminished, and efforts can be properly distributed in order to achieve maximum efficiency. In relation, Six Sigma is a process that aims to reduce the variability of a system, and in turn reduce the number of defects and improve overall quality of a product/process. For this reason, Lean and Six Sigma go hand-in-hand. Cutting out non-value adding steps in a process will increase efficiency and perfecting the steps still in place will improve quality. Both aspects are important when it comes to the success of a business practice. DNASU Plasmid Repository would be a major benefactor of the Lean Six Sigma process. The process of cloning DNA requires great attention to detail and time in order to avoid defects. For instance, any mistake made in the bacteria growth process, such as contamination, will result in a significant amount of time being wasted. In addition, the purification of DNA steps also necessitates vigilant observation since the procedure is highly susceptible to little mistakes that could have big impacts. The goal of this project will be to integrate Lean Six Sigma methodology into the DNASU laboratory. By applying numerous aspects of Lean Six Sigma, the DNA repository will be able to improve its efficiency and quality of processes and obtain its highest rate of success.

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