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The Monday Campaigns is a public health initiative associated with leading health institutions that seeks to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases by dedicating every Monday to health. Research shows that healthy thinking and behavior are synchronized with the week, with Monday being the day people are most open to positive changes. We offer free evidence-based health promotions that leverage this Monday “fresh start” mindset and weekly cue to provide sustainable motivation that can help create life-long healthy habits.

Meatless Monday Best Practices: Assessing the Implementation and Maintenance of Meatless Monday Initiatives in the U.S.

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Meatless Monday is an initiative that encourages actionable steps toward the reduction of meat consumption by asking participants to eat meat-free on Mondays. Many organizations, cities, schools, and correctional facilities have implemented Meatless Monday initiatives as a push to improve

Meatless Monday is an initiative that encourages actionable steps toward the reduction of meat consumption by asking participants to eat meat-free on Mondays. Many organizations, cities, schools, and correctional facilities have implemented Meatless Monday initiatives as a push to improve environmental sustainability, human health, and the welfare of animals. Such initiatives provide an opportunity to educate consumers on the health benefits of a plant-forward diet, the environmental impact of meat production, animal welfare issues, the innovation of non-meat proteins, and to engage stakeholders in gaining more control over their food choices. This report offers a summary of seven Meatless Monday initiatives throughout the U.S., highlighting best practices and notable challenges of implementing and maintaining such an initiative in three different contexts: local government, school systems, and non-profit or volunteer-led organizations. This report was conducted through an extensive look at previous research, news articles, and marketing materials, as well as interviews with stakeholders in six mid-sized U.S. cities.

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