The Implications of Southwest Communal Layout During Antiquity and its Cultural and Economic Relevance to Hierarchies

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One of the best ways to learn about an ancient society is to examine their architecture. Form imitates and is limited by utility and this can especially be seen in how humans set up their communities. However, with house structures,

One of the best ways to learn about an ancient society is to examine their architecture. Form imitates and is limited by utility and this can especially be seen in how humans set up their communities. However, with house structures, a new social dimension is added and can create many factors in its making. Social complexity and hierarchies can be reflected through the communal structures and layout and provide insight into how people organize themselves. In this paper, over 400 Hohokam structures from the Preclassic and Classic periods were compiled into a general dataset and 322 of which had sufficient data relevant to the research questions were used to determine any notable characteristics. The organization of the structures in this way provided a measurable process in determining these social and cultural aspects. The shapes of the Hohokam homes seemed to stay consistent over time with only the location and size of the entrance varying from site to site. Structures made in the Preclassic period had a smoother distribution of sizes than that of the Classic period structures. However, the changes in individual houses was not statistically significant. There is evidence that supports the notion that, as the Hohokam civilization developed, hierarchies began to form in their social complexity. Yet, it is not great enough to make any broad claims. The information derived from this paper can support further implications of growing social inequalities and the formation of classes within this community.

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