A Comparison of Central Executive Function in Children with Typical Development Who Do or Do Not Have ADHD

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This study was originally designed to assess the relationship between central executive function and the symptoms of ADHD. To quantify this relationship, the performance of two second graders with typical development (TD) who were also diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

This study was originally designed to assess the relationship between central executive function and the symptoms of ADHD. To quantify this relationship, the performance of two second graders with typical development (TD) who were also diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) were to be compared to peers with TD but no ADHD. Due to recruitment difficulties, only two participants with ADHD were enrolled. Participants completed four executive function tasks from the Comprehensive Assessment Battery for Children-Working Memory (CABC-WM; Alt, Brinkley, Cabbage, Cowan, Gray, Green, Hogan & Kuo, 2017) including repetition detection auditory and visual and number updating auditory and visual. No concrete results could be made for this study due to only having two participants, however, there are many considerations that can be made due to the completion of this study. The discussion considers how children with ADHD may struggle in school and at home. This study was unable to reach the number of desired participants (5), however, a discussion can be had about the importance of the study and what was learned regarding the research study from this study as well.
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