Finding Your Way to Teaching: The Journey and Process of Learning

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Teaching is a challenging career that carries various challenges, some of which go beyond the educator’s control and influence their ability to teach. Through the Arizona State University (ASU) Barrett's Honors College, seminars and discussions centered in collaboration and learning,

Teaching is a challenging career that carries various challenges, some of which go beyond the educator’s control and influence their ability to teach. Through the Arizona State University (ASU) Barrett's Honors College, seminars and discussions centered in collaboration and learning, resulted in student's introduction to ideas of what it means to “truly” teach from both a student and educator perspective. Teaching is more than an exchange of information as it requires a human connection. While most educators agree that connection is vital, there are still challenges in the classroom that generationally impact families. Daoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy, discusses concepts such as mindfulness, leadership, and introspection. Educators can use Daoist philosophy as a tool to reflect on and develop their ability to teach with vulnerability, openness, and interconnectedness. From a philosophical standpoint, Lao Tzu (Daoist leader) explains the importance of shifting perspectives to what the individual can control: themselves. Teachers must create a classroom dynamic that is not only engaging but also provides students a sense of autonomy over their education. Shifting the dynamic from teacher centered to student centered places the education in the students’ hands and alleviates some pressure from the teacher. Embedding Daoist philosophy into the classroom can be seamless as it can already be seen through Social Emotional Learning, Culturally Relevant Curriculum, and Deep Learning.

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