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Homeless individuals encounter barriers such as lack of health insurance, increased cost of care and unavailability of resources. They have increased risk of comorbid physical disease and poor mental health. Depression is a prevalent mental health disorder in

Homeless individuals encounter barriers such as lack of health insurance, increased cost of care and unavailability of resources. They have increased risk of comorbid physical disease and poor mental health. Depression is a prevalent mental health disorder in the US linked to increased risk of mortality. Literature suggests depression screening can identify high-risk individuals with using the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9).

The objective of this project is to determine if screening identifies depression in the homeless and how it impacts healthcare access. Setting is a local organization in Phoenix offering shelter to homeless individuals. An evidence-based project was implemented over two months in 2019 using convenience sampling. Intervention included depression screening using the PHQ-9, referring to primary care and tracking appointment times. IRB approval obtained from Arizona State University, privacy discussed, and consent obtained prior to data collection. Participants were assigned a random number to protect privacy.

A chart audit tool was used to obtain sociodemographics and insurance status. Descriptive statistics used and analyzed using Intellectus. Sample size was (n = 18), age (M = 35) most were White-non-Hispanic, 44% had a high school diploma and 78% were insured. Mean score was 7.72, three were previously diagnosed and not referred. Three were referred with a turnaround appointment time of one, two and seven days respectively. No significant correlation found between age and depression severity. A significant correlation found between previous diagnosis and depression severity. Attention to PHQ-9 varied among providers and not always addressed. Future projects should focus on improving collaboration between this facility and providers, increasing screening and ensuring adequate follow up and treatment.

Contributors Paramo, Cinthia Arredondo (Author) / Thrall, Charlotte (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-05-04
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The mentor role can help support the experienced nurse practitioner (NP) enhance a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization; however, NPs identify barriers of time, dedication, and lack of knowledge about mentoring. Current mentoring programs in

The mentor role can help support the experienced nurse practitioner (NP) enhance a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization; however, NPs identify barriers of time, dedication, and lack of knowledge about mentoring. Current mentoring programs in Arizona are sporadic and formal training for the mentor is even more limited. In this project, an online training intervention to develop mentorship skills was provided for experienced NPs who viewed three video sessions of 20-25 minutes each. The topics (Open Communication & Accessibility; Mutual Respect & Trust; Independence & Collaboration) focused on developing key mentoring competencies identified from the literature. Participants did not report a significant increase in their mentoring skills after the video sessions, but they identified useful individual outcomes. Participants identified the need to formalize the experience with objectives for both the mentee and mentor and recommended seeking out the novice NP to build a mentoring relationship.

The project outcomes led to several recommendations. To support ongoing mentor relationships, organizations may need to push training out to their experienced NPs on the role of the mentor. Mentors who do not self-identify for remediation or training may need organizations to provide the training and not make it optional. Community and professional organizations like the Arizona Board of Nursing, Arizona Nurses Association and others could create training modules utilizing multiple platforms to reach NPs in rural and urban parts of the state. Finally, further projects are necessary to identify the most effective modalities when delivering training.

Contributors Healy, Heather (Author) / Hagler, Dr. Debra (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-04-30
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In today’s healthcare environment, there is ample evidence to support early identification of disease and implementation of effective treatment to improve patient outcomes. The objectives of this clinical intervention were twofold; the implementation of an innovative change within

In today’s healthcare environment, there is ample evidence to support early identification of disease and implementation of effective treatment to improve patient outcomes. The objectives of this clinical intervention were twofold; the implementation of an innovative change within an organization, allowing for systematic screening through incorporation of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), and evaluation of mental health provider’s willingness to incorporate practice change.

A pre- and post-quasi-experimental design evaluated the attitude of providers regarding practice change using the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale and the utilization of the MDQ following educational intervention. Parametric testing was used to explore the relationship between education specific to practice change and the provider's attitude through the use of the paired t test. The Chi-square test evaluated the use of the MDQ by clinic healthcare providers in relation to an innovative practice change.

Results of this study illustrate enhanced provider willingness to adopt innovation and increased MDQ use following the intervention. Ensuring provider access to screening tools and education during the process of practice change provides a strategy for early intervention enhanced willingness to support practice evolution.

Contributors Quade, Cara (Author) / Root, Lynda (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-05-01
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People who inject drugs (PWID) are at high risk for disease transmission and bacterial invasion of the blood and/or skin. PWID are a marginalized population who often delay medical treatment or substitute self-care treatment due to increased fear,

People who inject drugs (PWID) are at high risk for disease transmission and bacterial invasion of the blood and/or skin. PWID are a marginalized population who often delay medical treatment or substitute self-care treatment due to increased fear, barriers, or stigmatization in traditional healthcare settings. These delays often create multifaceted complications that eventually cost the healthcare system billions of dollars. This leads to poorer health outcomes in PWID. There is evidence that community-based interventions are effective in reaching this population of people in order to promote better health outcomes.

To address this gap in care, an evidenced based project centered on increasing the confidence levels of community lay workers when providing general wound education to PWID was conducted. The project was implemented at a rural harm reduction agency site in Northern Arizona. Utilizing the theoretical framework of the Adult Learning Theory, a convenience sample of 22 participants received a general wound education intervention consisting of a PowerPoint presentation with a written brochure over multiple sessions.

Adapted questions from the new general self-efficacy (NGSE) scale, which has demonstrated valid internal consistency, were utilized to measure confidence levels of participants and a scored checklist was used to measure teaching performance. Confidence levels significantly increased from baseline to week four (p = .001). Teach-back performance scores also increased from baseline to week two and four. Providing a general wound education intervention to community lay workers improved confidence levels and teaching performance which can promote better health outcomes in PWID.

Contributors Bray, Jodi (Author) / Tharalson, Erin (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-04-30
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Mental health issues are a growing concern for individuals and the public. When patients do not attend their mental health appointments they place themselves at risk for poor health outcomes including worsening of symptoms, relapse, hospitalization, or danger

Mental health issues are a growing concern for individuals and the public. When patients do not attend their mental health appointments they place themselves at risk for poor health outcomes including worsening of symptoms, relapse, hospitalization, or danger to self and other behaviors. The breadth, background, and significance of this issue were investigated to determine a clinically relevant PICOT question. These elements of the PICOT question were investigated and high-quality evidence was gathered, analyzed, and synthesized in order to develop recommendations for an evidence-based project to help with no-shows at a non-profit integrated healthcare organization that is experiencing a high incidence of no-shows. The Quality Health Outcomes Model and Ottawa Model of Research Use guide the implementation and monitoring of the project.

A chart review was completed in order to understand the impact of a novel automated reminder system on the no-show rate for all psychiatric appointments for 18 months. Additionally, demographic and appointment information was gathered to identify trends in the data and factors related to appointment status. The no-show rate significantly increased in 2019 with the new reminder system. No-shows occurred significantly more in males, tele-medicine appointments, and hospital discharge appointments. There were significant differences in no-show rates observed between reported races, with different providers, and at different practice locations. This gap analysis has provided insight into further projects and work to be completed in order to decrease no-shows, improve treatment compliance, produce better health outcomes, and increase revenue for this organization.

Contributors Hartman, Mykaila (Author) / McIntosh, Dr. Wayne (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-04-30
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In the United States obesity continues to be a growing issue in the adult population, which is compounded by the fact that many people have had antidepressant therapy at some point in their lives. Health problems such as

In the United States obesity continues to be a growing issue in the adult population, which is compounded by the fact that many people have had antidepressant therapy at some point in their lives. Health problems such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, skeleton/joint issues and more can stem from obesity. These comorbid health care problems can increase the costs at the state and federal levels. This paper will examine obesity and its relation to antidepressant therapy in depressed adults that are obese or endeavoring to avoid further weight gain. Research indicates that antidepressant therapies have shown a greater propensity towards weight gain, though few research studies show weight loss.

Intervention: 10 minutes of nutritional counseling during office visits. Setting: Family psychiatric clinic in the southwest of the United States.

Methods: Data collection process: Depressed adults on antidepressant therapies were randomly selected.

Instrumentation: Weight scale, National Literacy Scale, pamphlet (for teaching) and height scale. Data collected was at baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks.

Outcomes: 14 Participants agreed to the project, 10 completed to the 4-week mark and 4 finished the project to the 8-week mark. 10 female participants and 4 male participants. The remaining 4 participants showed 1.6% reduction in body mass index, which correlated with an increase in nutritional learning from baseline to 8-weeks.

Recommendations: Nutritional counseling is a non-pharmacological intervention for achieving and a desired weight, which has shown positive results in varying populations and clinical situations.

Contributors Medlin, Joseph (Author) / Guthery, Ann (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-05-07
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Background: Alarming levels of burnout in mental health care staff is a significant concern not only for the organization but for the individual as well. Identifying and addressing burnout ought to be an essential protocol in a behavioral

Background: Alarming levels of burnout in mental health care staff is a significant concern not only for the organization but for the individual as well. Identifying and addressing burnout ought to be an essential protocol in a behavioral health organization. Currently, burnout remains an ongoing concern for mental health care organizations as it is associated with negative impacts for staff, patients, families, and the organization.

Method: The purpose of this project is to utilize the Maslach burnout inventory (MBI) survey tool to measure burnout pre and post intervention. The intervention utilized will be mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) to reduce burnout among mental healthcare workers. Implementing mindfulness interventions has evidence that it reduces burnout rates in mental health care staff. Current literature supports mindfulness-based interventions and have showed a decrease in burnout, stress, and depersonalization.

Results: The pre-intervention results were as followed: emotional exhaustion; 40, depersonalization; 20.4 and personal accomplishment 32. The post-intervention results emotional Exhaustion; 28, depersonalization; 14.90 and personal accomplishment 30. It was found that the category for emotional exhaustion was statistically significant as it had a P value .040, whereas depersonalization was not statistically significant as the P value was .171 and personal accomplishment was not statistically significant as the P value was .577.

Discussion: The use of MBI as an intervention has robust literature supporting the effectiveness in decreasing burnout and stress in mental health care staff.

Contributors Henao, Cinthya (Author) / McIntosh, Wayne (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-05-01
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Obtaining a comprehensive sexual health history is an important part of the patient history taking process and is essential to providing high-quality, patient-centered, and accessible healthcare. Information gathered from the sexual health history guides delivery of appropriate education

Obtaining a comprehensive sexual health history is an important part of the patient history taking process and is essential to providing high-quality, patient-centered, and accessible healthcare. Information gathered from the sexual health history guides delivery of appropriate education about prevention, counseling, treatment, and care. A federally qualified health center (FQHC) reported that they did not have a standardized comprehensive sexual health history taking process. To address this concern, a literature review was conducted to survey current evidence regarding both patient and healthcare provider perspective on sexual health history taking. While it is recommended for a sexual health history to be performed routinely, both healthcare providers and patients have reported sexual health is not discussed at most visits.

The findings led to the initiation of an evidence-based project implementing a comprehensive sexual health history taking tool at the FQHC. The tool assists in obtaining a comprehensive sexual history and provides an understanding of the sexual practices of the patients. If healthcare providers become aware of the sexual practices of their patients, they are better able to provide evidence-based education that could lead to better health outcomes. The participants reported they liked being asked about their sexual health, did not find the questions too personal, and reported the questionnaire addressed their sexual health concerns, and was worth their time. Taking a comprehensive sexual health history is a fundamental skill that all healthcare providers must strive to improve for the general health of their patients and the community.

Contributors Larter, Kara (Author) / Santerre, Jennifer (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-05-04
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Oral health in the pediatric population is an overlooked topic in primary care, yet it is vital to their overall health. Dental caries, otherwise known as cavities, are a significant problem among the pediatric population. Dental caries is

Oral health in the pediatric population is an overlooked topic in primary care, yet it is vital to their overall health. Dental caries, otherwise known as cavities, are a significant problem among the pediatric population. Dental caries is the most common non-transmittable disease across the globe. Dental caries can have painful effects that can lead to serious health implications and reduce the quality of life. Prevention is key when addressing dental caries and oral health care. Oral health prevention and education should begin early on in life and continue throughout the lifetime.

Pediatricians and primary care practitioners play a vital role in the prevention identification, and treatment of dental caries. Individuals in these care roles must become familiar with dental caries and the best evidence-based practices. Furthermore, these health care providers can have an active role in policy creation and change within the community to address the issue. A project was conducted to help improve oral health in the pediatric population. The project consisted of a well-child template modification at the 9-month well-child visit that would prompt providers to encourage a dental visit by the 12-month appointment. The results were limited, and the outcomes were not statistically significant. A recommendation for future studies will be to verbalize the recommendation and provide a handout or recommend a specific pediatric dentist.

Contributors Cox, Karen N. (Author) / Sebbens, Danielle (Thesis advisor)
Created 2020-05-01
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Polypharmacy among psychiatric patients is a concerning trend. From 2007-2010, 58.2% of women and 41.8% of men reported taking five or more prescription drugs within the last 30 days (CDC, 2014). Negative outcomes include prescription drug abuse, side

Polypharmacy among psychiatric patients is a concerning trend. From 2007-2010, 58.2% of women and 41.8% of men reported taking five or more prescription drugs within the last 30 days (CDC, 2014). Negative outcomes include prescription drug abuse, side effects, interactions, treatment failure, patient dissatisfaction, and lack of treatment control. The associated practice challenges have led to the following PICOT question. In persons with mental health issues receiving care at an outpatient mental health clinic, does engaging in mindfulness practice versus no mindfulness practice change polypharmacy use over a 3-month period?

The project purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of Insight Timer mobile mindfulness app at helping patients self-manage distressing symptoms and reduce polypharmacy. Over three weeks, mental health clinic nurse practitioners (NPs) voluntarily recruited patients (n=12) over age 18 using as needed prescriptions (PRNs), and agreed to use Insight Timer mobile mindfulness app for adjunct symptom management. Consenting participants downloaded the mobile app, and completed a brief questionnaire measuring PRN use at the start of app use, and PRN use at their next visit. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated a 10-week mindfulness app trial did not significantly lower total PRN doses compared with pre-app dosing (Z = -.534, p = .593). Paired t-tests revealed no significant change in pre (M = 65.17, SD = 28.64) versus post (M = 67.75, SD = 20.22) OQ45 life functionality results (t(11) = -.420, p = .683) (d = .121) as a result of app use.

Clinically relevant results illustrated 83.33% of participants taking greater than nine PRN doses over the study period used the app six times or more in place of medication. High PRN users employed the app frequently in place of medication regardless of total PRN doses taken. Practice implications and sustainability recommendations include incorporating mobile app use in treatment plans for high PRN users and educating NP’s on the tangible benefits of mindfulness apps in reducing polypharmacy and easing symptom distress on an ongoing basis.
Keywords: mindfulness, mhealth, mobile apps, mobile smart phone, online, RCT, behavior change, polypharmacy.

Contributors Pierce, Albert (Author) / Guthery, Ann (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-04-29