
Background: Alarming levels of burnout in mental health care staff is a significant concern not only for the organization but for the individual as well. Identifying and addressing burnout ought to be an essential protocol in a behavioral health organization.

Background: Alarming levels of burnout in mental health care staff is a significant concern not only for the organization but for the individual as well. Identifying and addressing burnout ought to be an essential protocol in a behavioral health organization. Currently, burnout remains an ongoing concern for mental health care organizations as it is associated with negative impacts for staff, patients, families, and the organization.

Method: The purpose of this project is to utilize the Maslach burnout inventory (MBI) survey tool to measure burnout pre and post intervention. The intervention utilized will be mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) to reduce burnout among mental healthcare workers. Implementing mindfulness interventions has evidence that it reduces burnout rates in mental health care staff. Current literature supports mindfulness-based interventions and have showed a decrease in burnout, stress, and depersonalization.

Results: The pre-intervention results were as followed: emotional exhaustion; 40, depersonalization; 20.4 and personal accomplishment 32. The post-intervention results emotional Exhaustion; 28, depersonalization; 14.90 and personal accomplishment 30. It was found that the category for emotional exhaustion was statistically significant as it had a P value .040, whereas depersonalization was not statistically significant as the P value was .171 and personal accomplishment was not statistically significant as the P value was .577.

Discussion: The use of MBI as an intervention has robust literature supporting the effectiveness in decreasing burnout and stress in mental health care staff.

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  • Decreasing and Providing Awareness for Burnout in Mental Health Care Workers
Date Created
Resource Type
  • Text
  • Collaborating institutions
    College of Nursing and Health Innovation

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