Recent research has highlighted significant racial disparities in both school discipline and academic achievement. However, it's only recently that scholars have begun to explore the potential interconnectedness between these gaps. While discipline policies traditionally cater to a "general" student population,

Recent research has highlighted significant racial disparities in both school discipline and academic achievement. However, it's only recently that scholars have begun to explore the potential interconnectedness between these gaps. While discipline policies traditionally cater to a "general" student population, they often lack specificity for particular demographics. This oversight is evident in the Phoenix Union High School District (PXU), where the majority of students are Hispanic (81.4%) and African American (9.4%). Given the crucial link between academic achievement and discipline, there is a pressing need for culturally responsive disciplinary policies tailored to these specific populations. This review critically examines PXU's diversity profile, seven disciplinary policy categories, and quarter 2 disciplinary data for the 2023-24 academic year through a lens of cultural responsiveness. The goal is to provide actionable insights for the Phoenix Union Governing Board to consider adjustments that promote restorative justice in education (RJE) and address racial inequities within the student body.
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    • A Phoenix Union High School District Review: Examining Discipline Policies for Cultural Responsiveness
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