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Workplaces in the U.S. have historically been plagued by incivility directed at minority employees. Individuals have continuously been subjected to harassment, hostility, and discomfort while at work due to the lack of support given to minorities in these spaces. In

Workplaces in the U.S. have historically been plagued by incivility directed at minority employees. Individuals have continuously been subjected to harassment, hostility, and discomfort while at work due to the lack of support given to minorities in these spaces. In a constantly changing environment, this problem only appears to be getting worse. Examining the issue through an intersectional lens shows a fuller picture. By putting into place a dynamic framework that identifies, solves, and predicts demographic related workplace incivility, organizations will be better equipped to create a positive work environment. The outcome being improved productivity and synergy. Most importantly, empowering minority groups that have previously been mistreated is invaluable to the wellbeing of these individuals and the employers.
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    • Protecting Minority Demographics in the Workplace: A Model for Employers to Maximize Diversity
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