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This project and podcast were created to examine the feasibility of integrating interdisciplinary education within higher education to allow students to explore beyond an explicitly defined discipline. The project works to discuss how students have incorporated or failed to incorporate

This project and podcast were created to examine the feasibility of integrating interdisciplinary education within higher education to allow students to explore beyond an explicitly defined discipline. The project works to discuss how students have incorporated or failed to incorporate their own interests within their education. The podcast seeks to prove the value of interdisciplinary education within higher education and how that can plant the seeds for future cross functional application in the job market. The project works to establish the importance of grassroots change and how an individual’s experience with education can influence a whole generation's relationship with learning. Through student and faculty interviews, subsequent analyst and research I intended to prove that higher education must recognize and act on the bridging the divide between various disciplines to promote cross functionality beyond schooling.
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    • The Sounds of Sonder
    Date Created
    Resource Type
  • Text
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