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The reionization of the Universe is thought to have completed by redshift z~5.5. To probe this era, galaxy observations in the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) have identified more than 100 galaxies at z~6, many spectroscopically confirmed through follow-up observations. Using

The reionization of the Universe is thought to have completed by redshift z~5.5. To probe this era, galaxy observations in the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) have identified more than 100 galaxies at z~6, many spectroscopically confirmed through follow-up observations. Using available optical/IR data, we model with CIGALE the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 43 SDF galaxies, including newly acquired data from the UKIRT WFCAM K-band for seven previously studied objects. In particular, modeling deep IR photometry is sensitive to the galaxy's Lyman continuum (LyC) escape fraction (fesc). We find the median implied fesc value as ~0.4+/-0.1 (mean error). Significant uncertainties in data and fitting result in a large range of fesc for individual objects, but analysis suggests that fesc is likely high enough for galaxies to finish reionization by z~6. More importantly, we find trends between the CIGALE UV slope b, fesc, and dust extinction E(B-V): for a given E(B-V), b appear steeper by ~0.4 than at z=0. Lower fesc values appear to be associated with bluer b and lower E(B-V), but only weakly. This suggests that LyC could have escaped through holes with sufficiently wide opening angles surrounding the ISM from outflows of supernovae and/or weak AGN to escape, but resulting in a large range of implied fesc values depending on the orientation of each galaxy. The current HST, Spitzer and ground-based photometric and model errors for the 43 galaxies are large, so IR spectroscopic observations with the James Webb Space Telescope are needed to better constrain this possibility.

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  • SED Analysis of 43 Spectroscopically Confirmed Galaxies at z ~ 6 to Constrain Possible Relationships between UV Slope, Model Dust Attenuation, and Escape Fraction
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