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The goal of this project was to examine the separatricies that define regions of distinct flow behaviors in realistic time-dependent dynamical systems. In particular, we adapted previously available methods for computing the Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) to a set of

The goal of this project was to examine the separatricies that define regions of distinct flow behaviors in realistic time-dependent dynamical systems. In particular, we adapted previously available methods for computing the Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) to a set of measured wind velocity data in order to visualize the separatricies as ridges of the FTLE field in a section of the atmosphere. This visualization required a number of alterations to the original methods, including interpolation techniques and two different adaptive refinement schemes for producing more detailed results. Overall, there were two computations performed with the wind velocity data: once along a single spherical surface, on which the separatricies could be visualized as material lines, and then along a three-dimensional section of the atmosphere, for which the separatricies were material surfaces. The resulting figures provide an image of the Antarctic polar vortex from the wind velocity data, which is consistent with other data gathered on the same date.
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  • Visualizing Lagrangian Coherent Structures from Realistic Flow Data
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