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CourseKarma is a web application that engages students in their own learning through peer-driven social networking. The influence of technology on students is advancing faster than the school system, and a major gap still lingers between traditional learning techniques and

CourseKarma is a web application that engages students in their own learning through peer-driven social networking. The influence of technology on students is advancing faster than the school system, and a major gap still lingers between traditional learning techniques and the fast-paced, online culture of today's generation. CourseKarma enriches the educational experience of today's student by creating a space for collaborative inquiry as well as illuminating the opportunities of self and group learning through online collaboration. The features of CourseKarma foster this student-driven environment. The main focus is on a news-feed and Question and Answer component that provides a space for students to share instant updates as well ask and answer questions of the community. The community can be as broad as the entire ASU student body, as specific as students in BIO155, or even more targeted via specific subjects and or skills. CourseKarma also provides reputation points, which are the sum of all of their votes received, identifying the individual's level and or ranking in each subject or class. This not only gamifies the usual day-to-day learning environment, but it also provides an in-depth analysis of the individual's skills, accomplishments, and knowledge. The community is also able to input and utilize course and professor descriptions/feedback. This will be in a review format providing the students an opportunity to share and give feedback on their experience as well as providing incoming students the opportunity to be prepared for their future classes. All of the student's contributions and collaborative activity within CourseKarma is displayed on their personal profile creating a timeline of their academic achievements. The application was created using modern web programming technologies such as AngualrJS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 for the styling and front-end development, Mustache.js for client side templating, and Firebase AngularFire as the back-end and NoSQL database. Other technologies such as Pivitol Tracker was used for project management and user story generation, as well as, Github for version control management and repository creation. Object-oreinted programming concepts were heavily present in the creation of the various data structures, as well as, a voting algorithm was used to manage voting of specific posts. Down the road, CourseKarma could even be a necessary add-on within LinkedIn or Facebook that provides a quick yet extremely in-depth look at an individuals' education, skills, and potential to learn \u2014 based all on their actual contribution to their academic community rather than just a text they wrote up.
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  • CourseKarma: Online Community of Student Collaboration
Date Created
Resource Type
  • Text
  • Machine-readable links