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The purpose of this thesis is to examine how companies can most effectively attract and retain millennial workers. Millennials are the future of the corporate world, and their retention in the workforce is important. Research for this study was gathered

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how companies can most effectively attract and retain millennial workers. Millennials are the future of the corporate world, and their retention in the workforce is important. Research for this study was gathered through the use of two surveys administered to Arizona State University students and corporate recruiters. The student survey focuses on what students' value in future employers, while also concentrating on challenges and opportunities job seekers presently face. The corporate survey asks questions related to the efforts used to attract and retain future employees, and the challenges and opportunities of the millennial worker. The findings reveal the millennial generation and the employers of today find alignment and disagreement within the topics of job dedication, culture, generational perceptions, and perceptions of the millennial. This study has a number of practical implications for employers seeking to understand how to integrate millennial workers into their corporate environment. Students will also find practical implications from this study, as they can better understand how to successfully get hired and be a part of a corporate environment. Recommendations for change on the students and employers respective behalf are based on survey findings and secondary source research.
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  • The Laws of Attraction: How Companies Can Better Attract and Retain Millennial Workers
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  • Text
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