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Abstract The current study examined how people perceive three different types of relationships: Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy (SB/SD) relationships, same-sex relationships, and heterosexual relationships. In an online survey, undergraduate students rated these different types of couplings on overall general view, acceptability

Abstract The current study examined how people perceive three different types of relationships: Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy (SB/SD) relationships, same-sex relationships, and heterosexual relationships. In an online survey, undergraduate students rated these different types of couplings on overall general view, acceptability and approval. Additionally, survey participants were asked to complete measures of religiosity and socio-sexual orientation to investigate whether these individual measures moderated ratings. Overall, SB/SD relationships were rated the most negatively, least acceptable, and least approved of out of the three relationship types. Following SB/SD relationships are same-sex relationships and then lastly heterosexual relationships. Higher religiosity scores led to lower general views, acceptability, and approval ratings of SB/SD relationships. The opposite pattern emerged for socio-sexuality such that higher socio-sexuality scores correlated to higher general views, acceptability, and approval ratings of SB/SD relationships. The findings suggest that societal views toward alternative relationship types are negative, relative to traditional heterosexual couplings, and these views may be exacerbated in the case of more, as opposed to less novel pairings. Just as cross-race and same-sex relationships have faced adversity in the past (Testa, 1987), newer types of relationships, such as SB/SD, that don't follow traditional conventions are still bound to face negativity. Moreover, these views are not monolithic in that individual differences based on religiosity and socio-sexuality lead to variation in judgments. The data presented herein represent an initial exploration of SB/SD relationships, a phenomenon that is increasing in frequency and about which many questions remain. Keywords: Sugar baby, Sugar daddy, same-sex, relationship, perceptions

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  • Perceptions of Relationships: A comparison of Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy, Same-sex, and Heterosexual Couplings
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