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We propose the Bio-HCI framework, that focuses on three major components: biological materials, intermediate platforms, and interaction with the user. In this context, "biological materials" is meant to broadly cover biological matter (DNA, RNA, enzyme), biological information (gene, epigenetic), biological

We propose the Bio-HCI framework, that focuses on three major components: biological materials, intermediate platforms, and interaction with the user. In this context, "biological materials" is meant to broadly cover biological matter (DNA, RNA, enzyme), biological information (gene, epigenetic), biological process (mutation, reproduction, self assembling), and biological form. These biological materials serve as the design elements for designers to use in the same way as digital materials. Intermediate Platform focuses on methods of connecting biological materials to a user, or a digital platform that connect to users. In most current use-cases, biological materials need an intermediate platform to transfer the information to the user and transfer the user's response back to biological materials. Examples include a DNA sequencer, microscope, or petri dish. User interaction emphasizes the interactivity between a user and the biological machine (biological materials + intermediate platform). The interaction ranges from a basic human-computer interaction such as using a biological machine as a file storage to a unique interaction such as having a biological machine that evolves to solve user's task. To examine this framework further, we present four experiments which focus on the different aspect of the Bio-HCI framework.

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  • Bio HCI Toward Interfaces between People, Computer, and Bio/digital system
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  • Text
  • Machine-readable links