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SmartAid aims to target a small, yet relevant issue in a cost effective, easily replicable, and innovative manner. This paper outlines how to replicate the design and building process to create an intelligent first aid kit. SmartAid utilizes Alexa Voice

SmartAid aims to target a small, yet relevant issue in a cost effective, easily replicable, and innovative manner. This paper outlines how to replicate the design and building process to create an intelligent first aid kit. SmartAid utilizes Alexa Voice Service technologies to provide a new and improved way to teach users about the different types of first aid kit items and how to treat minor injuries, step by step. Using Alexa and RaspberryPi, SmartAid was designed as an added attachment to first aid kits. Alexa Services were installed into a RaspberryPi to create a custom Amazon device, and from there, using the Alexa Interaction Model and the Lambda function services, SmartAid was developed. After the designing and coding of the application, a user guide was created to provide users with information on what items are included in the first aid kit, what types of injuries can be treated through first aid, and how to use SmartAid. The
application was tested for its usability and practicality by a small sample of students. Users provided suggestions on how to make the application more versatile and functional, and confirmed that the application made first aid easier and was something that they could see themselves using. While this application is not aimed to replace the current physical guide solution completely, the findings of this project show that SmartAid has potential to stand in as an improved, easy to use, and convenient alternative for first aid guidance.

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  • Technology Transformations: SmartAid - An Intelligent First Aid Kit
Date Created
Resource Type
  • Text
  • Machine-readable links