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While type 2 diabetes (T2D) rates have soared, the number of Americans classified as ‘prediabetic’ has also increased. Despite this, current preventative approaches are costly and often not without undue side-effects. Instead, behavioral lifestyle approaches hold promise in reducing conversion

While type 2 diabetes (T2D) rates have soared, the number of Americans classified as ‘prediabetic’ has also increased. Despite this, current preventative approaches are costly and often not without undue side-effects. Instead, behavioral lifestyle approaches hold promise in reducing conversion rates of T2D as the latest treatment option that could mitigate and transform disease management. However, present interventions do not possess the scope necessary for implementation in a realistic, scalable way that can target the large at-risk population.
The application (app) “BeWell24” mitigates this diabetes risk through targeting sleep, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and diet, and is being delivered through mHealth technology to attenuate the higher-risk of the prediabetic Veteran population. In order for full scale dissemination, this thesis examines a provider perspective of the ‘Post-intervention interview guide’, performed with a Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System (PVAHCS) provider. It then suggests revisions to the interview guide based on the provider’s interview and existing literature. This thesis also emphasizes the rationale behind these proposed changes to be organized in line with the iPARIHS framework (integrated Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services).
Overall, the provider responded positively to BeWell24 and the ‘Post-intervention interview guide’, with constructive suggestions for each question in the interview guide. The main theme of the provider’s answers and comments were to prioritize efficiency and preserve standard clinical flow. A revised interview guide is provided, which prospectively presents as a more brief and focused interview organized by the iPARIHS framework. This revised interview guide could aid in the clarity of provider responses, specifically for the prospective interviews of the ongoing larger BeWell24 study and future studies.

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  • Understanding integration of a smartphone “app” to improve lifestyle behaviors for diabetes prevention in a large integrated primary care setting: A provider perspective
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