Childhood Attachment as a Predictor of Adult Relationships Across Cultures

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Given the scientifically well-established connection between childhood attachment formation and certain aspects of an individual's later outcomes, to take this a step further, a causal connection was sought between childhood attachment formation and adult romantic relationships through a literature review.

Given the scientifically well-established connection between childhood attachment formation and certain aspects of an individual's later outcomes, to take this a step further, a causal connection was sought between childhood attachment formation and adult romantic relationships through a literature review. Further, by analyzing the applicability of the attachment theory and later romantic relationship outcomes across cultures, a connection between childhood attachment formation and adult romantic relationships across cultures was sought. Through an analysis of research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals in the recent decade, it was found that childhood attachment formation is predictive of later adult romantic relationships, and cross-cultural connections can also be made to an extent. However, it was also found that in many cases cross-cultural and even sub-cultural connections cannot always be made, and that there is a need for greater diversity in research going forwards. Connections between these findings were made with well-being in order to derive relevant application. Overall, a review of the literature supports that an adult's attachment style is related to his/her well-being. Further, subjective well-being is not always dependent on attachment security, although this is largely the case in the dominant western culture. In terms of well-being, when measured against certain other factors attachment security seems to have a weak effect across many cultures. This is interesting to consider in terms of implications for further study on cross-cultural determinants of well-being, in the context of attachment security, as the basis of most research on attachment security is for application in daily lives in order to achieve a higher level of well-being. In this context, then, it seems as though further cross-cultural research could assess attachment security in the context of culturally-relevant developmental well-being markers in order to compare and contrast universal determinants of well-being for a deeper understanding of the human experience.
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A Qualitative Analysis on Maternal Interference and Infant Affect

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There is significant amount of research suggesting that high maternal interference can cause low infant emotion regulation, where the infant is unlikely to develop socially acceptable self-regulation mannerisms. Inculcating these vital emotion regulation behaviors early on is critically important for

There is significant amount of research suggesting that high maternal interference can cause low infant emotion regulation, where the infant is unlikely to develop socially acceptable self-regulation mannerisms. Inculcating these vital emotion regulation behaviors early on is critically important for dealing with daily stressors in adulthood and many children who cannot do this may develop anxiety and severe mental health issues. Since mothers are the primary caregivers, it would greatly behoove them to encourage their children to use these emotion regulation behaviors when need be. In an effort to examine the dimensions of maternal interference and infant self-regulation, this study was created with the main purpose of understanding if there's a significant relationship between the type of maternal interference (passive vs. active) and the infant's self-comforting behavior. Instances of self-comforting behavior and active and passive maternal interference were counted for in 68 home visit videos from the larger Las Madres Nuevas longitudinal study. The statistical analyses, such as Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis, were conducted using Excel. While the Pearson's correlation coefficients (0.304 for passive and 0.815 for active) and R2 (0.09 for passive and 0.65 for active) suggested that active maternal interference can largely affect infant emotion regulation more so than passive maternal interference, the standard error of regression values (0.58 for passive and 1.97 for active) implied that the passive interference model more precisely fit the data than the active interference model. Thus, the hypothesis was partially supported in this study since not all statistics conveyed maternal interference does affect infant emotion regulation more than passive maternal interference.
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Views of Maternal Depression In Rural Kenya

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Investment and interest in mental health on a global scale is increasing. This interest creates a need to gain an in depth understanding about how mental illness is conceptualized and treated in different cultures. This article aims to explore the

Investment and interest in mental health on a global scale is increasing. This interest creates a need to gain an in depth understanding about how mental illness is conceptualized and treated in different cultures. This article aims to explore the views of maternal mental health in Kenya's sub-counties. Maternal mental health has a significant impact on child development outcomes, so the topic has cross-generational importance. Ten focus group discussions with a variety of participants were conducted to understand the health care system. The participants were from four Kenya sub-counties: Rachuonyo N., Wagwe, Okiki Amayo, Nyative and they were either members of either SCHMT (Sub-county health management team), CHEW (community health extension worker), facility/staff of the county hospital, HHCDO (Homa Hills Community Development Organization), THRIVE II staff (Catholic Relief Service's early childhood development program) or mothers and fathers with children under two years of age. The qualitative data were translated and transcribed on site and then retranslated and counterchecked. A secondary data analysis using Atlas.ti was performed to identify themes and trends in factors that contribute to maternal wellbeing. Four main categories were identified as having prevalent effects on the Kenyan mothers' mental health: cultural values, broken support system, limitations of resources, and knowledge, behavior and attitudes. The participants were broken up into administrative, clinical, social, maternal and paternal categories to determine specific influence in each of these areas. Further analysis defined participants' involvement in the categories as mediating, moderating and direct effects on maternal depression. Main contributors to depression were identified as a lack of paternal support, poor cultural values, and administrative resistance. Discussion focuses on consequences for the future.
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This study aims to examine how crossover relations from one parent relate to the other parent's view of familial relationships. The study examines mood state and psychological distress as variables that relate to each other and familial relationships. Home visits

This study aims to examine how crossover relations from one parent relate to the other parent's view of familial relationships. The study examines mood state and psychological distress as variables that relate to each other and familial relationships. Home visits were scheduled with families of normally developing three-year olds. During these home visits, naturalistic observation and surveys were done. Researchers then conducted regression analyses to examine the relation between mood state, psychological distress, and familial relationships. The data showed that there were significant relations between one parents' psychological distress and how the other parent viewed the marital relationship, indicating a crossover relation between those two variables.
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Family-Centered Practice in Occupational Therapy from Birth to Three

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Occupational therapy is a service provided to children and adults experiencing changes in their ability to engage in everyday activities as a result of illness, injury, trauma or other disability. Occupational therapy focuses on helping individuals develop the skills needed

Occupational therapy is a service provided to children and adults experiencing changes in their ability to engage in everyday activities as a result of illness, injury, trauma or other disability. Occupational therapy focuses on helping individuals develop the skills needed to carry out their activities of daily living. More specifically, to become self-sufficient in all aspects of their daily lives. As an infant grows older, new occupational roles and expectations are recognized. When typical development is interrupted or does not occur, early intervention may be necessary. When implemented at an early age, occupational therapy can set the groundwork for a child's progress and ability to function productively and purposefully throughout life. When working with a child with disabilities, an occupational therapist must develop a treatment plan utilizing a certain technique or model. Implementing a family-centered approach to treatment services, as opposed to a professional-centered model, teaches the parents to focus on their child's positive qualities, which in turn facilitates a stronger relationship between the parents and the child. A partnership is established early on between the professional and the family and the strengths and capabilities of the family are emphasized. Parents are seen as senior partners who are given the ability to work with the professional in developing and delivering their child's treatment plan. A family-centered approach gives parents the skills necessary to work with their children long after services have ended. Utilizing a family-centered approach to therapy services ensures the overall success and well being of the family, as a whole. This creative project focused on the development of an Individualized Family Service Plan and Treatment Plan, created using a family-centered approach to therapy services in occupational therapy, from birth to three years of age .
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