Mitigating Noncompliance in Medical Practice: A Multi-Frame Analysis and Application to Improve Patient Outcomes in the Private Primary Care Setting

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The healthcare industry within the United States is divided into the private and public sectors. Medical care is provided through an extensive network of subspecialist practitioners. The most common type of medical practice and one most utilized by patients is

The healthcare industry within the United States is divided into the private and public sectors. Medical care is provided through an extensive network of subspecialist practitioners. The most common type of medical practice and one most utilized by patients is primary care, with 51.2% of all medical office visits made to primary care practices in 2018 (CDC, 2018). This scope of medicine is most frequently responsible for the initial diagnoses and treatment plans of diseases. This thesis project begins with a description of the roles of primary practice in the broader scope of the medical field, and details why primary care is essential in keeping populations healthy. It moves to discuss a local example of a private primary care practice, AllCare Internal Medicine, and describes the organization’s structure and function. Medical noncompliance, a pressing issue at this facility and in the entirety of the medical field, is introduced and explained using industry research. Medical noncompliance at AllCare Internal Medicine is then considered in the context of Bolman and Deal’s multi-frame organizational theory. Furthermore, a four-frame analysis of AllCare Internal Medicine is conducted to highlight the impact of each of Bolman and Deal’s organizational frames on the group and its success. With insights gained from the analysis, a detailed plan for reducing noncompliant behavior is provided for medical staff that focuses on improving interactions with patients. The thesis project concludes with a brief reflection on Bolman and Deal’s organizational frames in the AllCare Internal Medicine setting, as well as provides an explanation of how the plan of action will be successful in reducing noncompliance within the practice.
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Omni Bioceutical Innovations Revised Digital Marketing Strategy

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This thesis will analyze the current position of the medical-grade skincare company Omni Bioceutical Innovations using the four frames discussed in Bolman and Deal’s Reframing Organizations. In reflecting upon the company through the structural, human resource, symbolic and political frame

This thesis will analyze the current position of the medical-grade skincare company Omni Bioceutical Innovations using the four frames discussed in Bolman and Deal’s Reframing Organizations. In reflecting upon the company through the structural, human resource, symbolic and political frame lens, a multi-frame marketing strategy is developed to address Omni’s current obstacles and future goals. The paper begins with a history of Omni Bioceutical Innovations and an analysis of the current marketing and skincare trends. Research on business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) strategies will also be shared to help provide context to Omni's obstacles when switching its marketing focus from B2B to B2C. The paper will then focus on Omni’s past digital strategy setbacks and present opportunities for how the company can move forward using Bolman and Deal’s frames and research on the skincare market and current digital marketing tactics. The resolutions presented will include insight into how to target the B2C market effectively through specific social platforms and offer suggestions of which elements should be incorporated into their new website. Through examining Omni’s past internal battles using the organizational frames, it helps clarify the needs of the company and reinforces the changes that must be made to help the company become even more successful.

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Increasing Engagement in a Business Fraternity

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This thesis will be investigating organizational theory behind engagement within the business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi (DSP) at Arizona State University. The focus will be around the lack of attendance and enthusiasm toward the required events for members within the

This thesis will be investigating organizational theory behind engagement within the business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi (DSP) at Arizona State University. The focus will be around the lack of attendance and enthusiasm toward the required events for members within the fraternity despite a previous demonstration of engagement during their recruitment and pledging process. The paper will analyze this through the four frames presented in Reframing Organizations by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal. The four frames are human resource, structural, political, and symbolic. The paper will propose solutions to increase engagement. The solutions include reducing the requirements of membership, reforming the election process, requiring a baseline of members to pre-commit to attending events, increasing support for one another within the organization, and modifying the recruitment process. These solutions are based on the longevity of the problem within the organization and Bolman and Deal’s frames. Analyzing this problem and the potential solutions will help future members of the organization combat this issue and protect DSPs relationships with professional organizations. This has been a very interesting and insightful project. I learned a great deal and am proud to leave something to this organization behind that can help the fraternity and other chapters of Delta Sigma Pi going forward.
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Phoenix Sister Cities’ Business Relations Committee From a Multi-Frame Perspective

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This thesis project employs a four-frame evaluation from Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal’s book Reframing Organizations to ultimately suggest potential solutions and recommendations for how Phoenix Sister Cities and its Business Relations Committee can strengthen member engagement, increase the committee’s

This thesis project employs a four-frame evaluation from Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal’s book Reframing Organizations to ultimately suggest potential solutions and recommendations for how Phoenix Sister Cities and its Business Relations Committee can strengthen member engagement, increase the committee’s influence in the community, reinvigorate a greater sense of purpose in being a part of the committee. The paper begins with a description of the nonprofit organization Phoenix Sister Cities and its wide range of functions, in addition to its position within the larger Sister Cities community. Following this overview, an introduction and description of the Business Relations Committee is necessary to provide context for the multi-frame analysis. This description will include the structure of the committee as well as the current and past projects that the committee plays or has played a crucial role in. Next, using external research as well as personal testimony, I will discuss the main obstacle that the Business Relations Committee currently faces, which is cultivating engagement among all the members of the committee. After explaining Bolman and Deal’s four frames, I will use these frames to analyze the engagement of the Business Relations Committee members by looking at the challenge from a wide variety of perspectives. My recommendations that stem from the frame analysis include using stories and personal testimony to share the values of the committee with the community and to motivate fellow members to be more involved in the current committee projects. I also advise that committee leaders restructure the unit based on feedback from a distributed survey in order to identify members that can be given designated tasks moving forward. Lastly, I provide new project ideas for members to focus on in an effort to increase their belief in and devotion to the committee.

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Managing an Online Presence in Nonprofit Organizations: A Multi-Frame Analysis to Improve Fundraising Opportunities for an Animal Rescue Shelter

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This thesis project utilizes a multi-frame analysis from Bolman and Deal’s Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership to reinvent a fundraising opportunity for a nonprofit organization named Save the Cats Arizona. This thesis begins with what makes Save the Cats

This thesis project utilizes a multi-frame analysis from Bolman and Deal’s Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership to reinvent a fundraising opportunity for a nonprofit organization named Save the Cats Arizona. This thesis begins with what makes Save the Cats Arizona stand out from other organizations. From there, a breakdown of the organization’s structure is provided. Next, research is provided on the impacts of fundraising on social media platforms and online engagement across nonprofit organizations. Additional research is provided to highlight the importance of social media management in nonprofit organizations. Save the Cats Arizona is then analyzed through Bolman and Deal’s multi-frame theory – which includes the structural, human-resource, political, and symbolic frame. Finally, the knowledge gained from the multi-frame analysis is implemented into ideas on how to improve fundraising opportunities for Save the Cats Arizona. This project ends with a reflection about this thesis and Save the Cats Arizona’s future.

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Growing Communities in Community Gardens: A Frame Analysis of TigerMountain Foundation

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This thesis project utilizes Bolman & Deal’s (2017) four frames to analyze how the Internship experience at TigerMountain Foundation, a South Phoenix community garden nonprofit, can be optimized to help the organization more effectively reach its goals. A brief explanation

This thesis project utilizes Bolman & Deal’s (2017) four frames to analyze how the Internship experience at TigerMountain Foundation, a South Phoenix community garden nonprofit, can be optimized to help the organization more effectively reach its goals. A brief explanation of the organizational context and structure is given as well as an overview of the relationship between community gardening and decreasing recidivism, as well as TigerMountain’s position in a food desert. TigerMountain Foundation can ultimately be framed internally as a human resource and symbolic organization and externally as a political organization. The Internship program presents a political benefit to the organization and can benefit from some human resource and structural additions to the onboarding process and overall experience. The recommended additions include providing a thorough onboarding packet to Interns at orientation that includes a questionnaire, includes a brief overview of the organization in human resource framing, a contact sheet, and instruction sheets for commonly used systems. Other additions to the Internship experience include setting up a ratio of how many Internship hours can be earned at the gardens and farmers’ markets compared to working administratively, requesting that Interns send in their updated availability weekly for scheduling purposes, and the implementation of an “on-call” system for farmers’ market shifts.

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Shortcomings in Regulation for Advertising of Financial Instruments

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Advertisements for financial instruments such as car loans, title loans, and rental agreements create the complex problem of presenting substantial loan agreement terms while also keeping an advertisement light and inviting. There are two main types of rules concerning how

Advertisements for financial instruments such as car loans, title loans, and rental agreements create the complex problem of presenting substantial loan agreement terms while also keeping an advertisement light and inviting. There are two main types of rules concerning how these advertisers can promote their products: regulation and guidance. Regulation is the official set of laws governing what can or must be said in an advertisement. Guidance is official suggestions for proper advertising practices that are not tied to written laws. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) controls regulation for the required disclosure in these advertisements and requires all material loan terms to be stated “clearly and conspicuously; however, advertisers still put important loan information in hard to see the fine print, making it difficult for the consumer to understand the advertisement. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is in charge of creating guidance, enforcing advertising regulation and preventing advertisements from becoming deceptive, but, due to the ambiguous nature of disclosure formatting requirements, many transgressions go uninhibited.

We conducted a survey to test consumer's perception and understanding of advertisements promoting financial instruments to see if advertisements that have run without contest from the Federal Trade Commission still have the ability to be deceptive or lack disclosure. We provided a variety of advertisements for markets such as automobiles and rent-to-own businesses. Each one of these advertisements dealt with a different financial instrument so that we could accurately test the knowledge of respondents. We collected 95 complete responses and 23 partial responses from our distribution of this survey.

Advertisements for financial instruments such as car loans, title loans, and rental agreements create the complex problem of presenting substantial loan agreement terms while also keeping an advertisement light and inviting. There are two main types of rules concerning how these advertisers can promote their products: regulation and guidance. Regulation is the official set of laws governing what can or must be said in an advertisement. Guidance is official suggestions of proper advertising practices that is not tied to written laws. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) controls regulation for the required disclosure in these advertisements and requires all material loan terms to be stated “clearly and conspicuously; however, advertisers still put important loan information in hard to see fine print, making it difficult for the consumer to understand the advertisement. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is in charge of creating guidance, enforcing advertising regulation and preventing advertisements from becoming deceptive, but, due to the ambiguous nature of disclosure formatting requirements, many transgressions go uninhibited.

We conducted a survey to test consumer's perception and understanding of advertisements promoting financial instruments to see if advertisements that have run without contest from the Federal Trade Commission still have the ability to be deceptive or lack disclosure. We provided a variety of advertisements for markets such as automobiles and rent-to-own businesses. Each one of these advertisements dealt with a different financial instrument so that we could accurately test the knowledge of respondents. We collected 95 complete responses and 23 partial responses from our distribution of this survey.

The results show that the average consumer does not have a complete understanding of financial instruments in the context of these advertisements. These results also demonstrated that consumers are not completely comprehending the information provided to them by these advertisements. We found that in some cases, it was the way that information was provided to the consumer that was causing them to have misconceptions about the information presented. We concluded that there were enough respondents that did not correctly interpret these advertisements to support that there is some misleading and deception by these advertisements despite the lack of context by the FTC. As such, we suggest that current federal guidance be made into official regulation to further prevent these transgressions and further attempts be made to locate and prevent deceptive advertisements.
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Bharatanatyam and its effect on Stress, Mood, and Anxiety

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This study investigates the effects of Bharatanatyam dance on stress, mood, and anxiety. I have danced Bharatanatyam since I was 8 years old, it has offered me a way to release stress and

This study investigates the effects of Bharatanatyam dance on stress, mood, and anxiety. I have danced Bharatanatyam since I was 8 years old, it has offered me a way to release stress and anxiety. This study provides empirical data to support the claim that Bharatanatyam has therapeutic effects that release stress and reduce anxiety. This investigation was conducted through self-reports and interviews. A Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scale was used to determine positive and negative effects. The average positive affect during the “dance weeks” (DW) was 46.6 and the average negative affect was 12.2. During the “no dance weeks” (NDW), the average positive effect was 23.7 and the average negative affect was 31. The participant’s interview PANAS results had an average positive effect of 39.8 and an average negative effect of 12.8. Analyzing the self-report journaling highlighted a more prevalent use of positive words during the DW and a more significant use of negative words during the NDW. The Bharatanatyam dancers who were probed to enter post-performance environment for an interview also used positive words to describe Bharatanatyam dancing. In conclusion, practicing Bharatanatyam had an overall positive effect on mood, and can reduce stress and anxiety.
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Here Comes Trouble! An Investigation of Publishing, Illustrating, and Marketing in the World of Children’s Literature

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This thesis project investigates the many ways to illustrate, publish, and market Here Comes Trouble! The Story of Curious & Crisis, a book which aims to teach children how to cope with various crises. It includes research on different types

This thesis project investigates the many ways to illustrate, publish, and market Here Comes Trouble! The Story of Curious & Crisis, a book which aims to teach children how to cope with various crises. It includes research on different types and processes of book publication, the many players involved in such processes, a book proposal intended for a popular press publisher, and hand-drawn and digital illustrations for the story, with my own personal narrative weaved throughout. The book proposal includes information about the author, possible markets to whom the book could be marketed, a possible promotion plan for the story, a list of competing and complementary works, and a summary of each chapter. Along with searching the internet and reading various books, research was conducted by taking online courses and conducting informational interviews with authors and illustrators. The paper concludes with my own reflection of the difficulties faced and knowledge gained through working on the project, including future plans for both the story and myself.
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Interdisciplinary Identity: An Exploration Through Poetry

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Identity is shaped through the integration of one’s beliefs, experiences, relationships, choices, and other such phenomena, and the resulting identity created by an individual continues to feed back into this process by influencing future identity formation. In consideration of

Identity is shaped through the integration of one’s beliefs, experiences, relationships, choices, and other such phenomena, and the resulting identity created by an individual continues to feed back into this process by influencing future identity formation. In consideration of the numerous factors contributing to identity, this Honors Thesis accumulates an interdisciplinary understanding of identity by pulling from 17 research disciplines and uses this knowledge to inform a collection of poems centered on the theme of my own identity exploration. The Repko (2008) model for interdisciplinary research was loosely followed and using this framework highlighted the interconnectivity of literature research and, from a broader perspective, knowledge in general. A second framework was chosen to further encapsulate this knowledge and apply it to my own identity. Marcia’s Identity Status Theory is a fluid model by which I was able to understand the different identity statuses I was illustrating through poetry (Marcia, 1966; Marcia et. al., 1980). The poetry component of this project included completion of a poetry workshop and creation of a twenty-eight-poem chapbook. Together, the interdisciplinary research and identity model offer insight into the identity connections presented in this collection of poems. However, the frameworks used in this project are limited in that they do not completely capture the true essence of identity. While many disciplines’ contributions to identity research were considered in this Honors Thesis, identity is such a large concept that it is difficult to completely capture my own identity, let alone the identities of others. While others may find research articles or poems they relate to and may possibly learn about themselves from what is presented in this document, identity is unique to each individual and a proper compilation of identity research would need to be far more extensive than the reach of this Honors Thesis.
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