An Evil Most Ancient: The Place of Demons in Ancient Sumer

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The goal of this study is to provide an integrative analysis of Sumerian magico-religious practices with special attention paid to demonology and to the Mesopotamian concept of evil. A synthetic approach will help to assess the state of Mesopotamian demonological

The goal of this study is to provide an integrative analysis of Sumerian magico-religious practices with special attention paid to demonology and to the Mesopotamian concept of evil. A synthetic approach will help to assess the state of Mesopotamian demonological research, to demonstrate why the so-called “magical” ideas of an ancient civilization are essential to understanding humanity, and to suggest a path forward with “evil” as a lens for historical and cultural understanding. This will be attempted in five phases: first, the terms “magic” and “demons” must be reclaimed as historically useful and contextually appropriate to the Sumerian worldview. Next, we briefly survey how the Sumerians and ancient Mesopotamians understood and participated in magic. Then, we examine the role of demons in the Mesopotamian magical worldview. With this understanding, we write a biography of one demon, Lamaštu, as a case study. Lamaštu played a dominant role in Sumerian magico-religious and magico-medical practices and there is sufficient research to compile a biography for her. Then, Lamaštu is reintegrated into the Sumerian pantheon of demons as an exemplum for further studies.
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Rediscovering Education by Way of Mindfulness: A Critique of Current Practices and a Possible Solution

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In this thesis, I intend to articulate four main arguments: (1) that the current state of public K-12
education in America is dire and in critical need of reform, (2) this dire state is evidenced by
statistics reporting that both

In this thesis, I intend to articulate four main arguments: (1) that the current state of public K-12
education in America is dire and in critical need of reform, (2) this dire state is evidenced by
statistics reporting that both student test scores and mental health are declining, (3) these issues
are perpetuated by recent efforts to implement extreme amounts of digital technology into
classrooms, rigid standardization and assessment-based learning, and the lack of attention paid to
philosophy and religion in public K-12 curricula, and (4) that many of these issues could be
resolved through the implementation of a curriculum teaching “mindfulness”. “Mindfulness” has
many different interpretations, but for this thesis will refer to an umbrella of skills that can be
taught and honed through critically reading and discussing philosophical and religious texts, as
well as engaging in different types of meditative practices. Skills such as logical and deductive
reasoning, ethics, emotional regulation, debate, public speaking, goal-setting, organization, and
planning. Practices and exercises found in philosophy, but many students may not necessarily be
accustomed to (meditation, yoga, silent prayer, stoic contemplation), would be read about,
practiced, and/or discussed, likely before class discussions on the day’s text. Implementing such
a curriculum can occur at varying degrees of intensity, with increasing levels of effectiveness
with each increase in the intensity of implementation.
Date Created

What is College?

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This paper is a synopsis of leading academic and economic research on the field of higher education. The issue of rising cost of attendance will be deconstructed and the root causes isolated and explained. The topic of critical thinking will

This paper is a synopsis of leading academic and economic research on the field of higher education. The issue of rising cost of attendance will be deconstructed and the root causes isolated and explained. The topic of critical thinking will be explained to be a pivotal learning goal for undergraduate students. The theme of this paper is to break down complex academic and economic trends within higher education, and to articulate their relevance to potential undergraduate students.
Date Created

Operation Toothbrush: Understanding Pediatric Dentistry in Low Income Communities

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Operation Toothbrush is an initiative established to combat the oral healthcare disparity within young children who reside in Arizona. By working with elementary and preschool children, the project educated them and their families about the importance of oral hygiene in

Operation Toothbrush is an initiative established to combat the oral healthcare disparity within young children who reside in Arizona. By working with elementary and preschool children, the project educated them and their families about the importance of oral hygiene in informative and intuitive manner. The project incorporated the help of Pre-Dental volunteers, dental practices, and the Woodside Grant to obtain the supplies, information, and assistance necessary to conduct the initiative.
Date Created

Alone and Everywhere: Influences on Pamela Colman Smith in her Illustrations of the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

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The Rider-Waite Tarot deck is arguably the most popular divinatory Tarot deck in use today. This is the deck most new readers learn with, myself included. I began reading the Tarot in late 2015 in an academic setting. I learned

The Rider-Waite Tarot deck is arguably the most popular divinatory Tarot deck in use today. This is the deck most new readers learn with, myself included. I began reading the Tarot in late 2015 in an academic setting. I learned on the Rider-Waite deck and have yet to find another deck I would rather read with. The artwork by Pamela Colman Smith is both simple and complex, continuously revealing deeper meanings the more I study it. This is why I decided to research Smith and uncover what influenced her when illustrating these cards. Every image is picked with a purpose, some more obscure than others, especially to someone not well versed in mystic beliefs and history. I was not knowledgeable in any occult beliefs or teachings when I first saw the deck, aside from some Greek imagery. Details such as the T.A.R.O. on the Wheel of Fortune card or the Egyptian creatures on the World card made no sense to me. At first I thought they had little meaning beyond a creative flair by the artist. But these minute details reveal the ties her cards have to world history and the mystic universe. Pamela Colman Smith was a well-known and esteemed artist in the early nineteen-hundreds. However, she is hardly seen or recognized in modern texts. Her biggest legacy, the Rider-Waite Tarot deck hardly gives her any credit. The only evidence of Smith's work is her initials in the bottom right corner of every card. This makes Pamela Colman Smith quite the mysterious woman. Even in life, her colleagues found her an enigma, or a mystic pixie. She worked sporadically, with paints littered about her apartment. Smith was chosen by Waite to work on his new Tarot deck mostly because she was in the right place at the right time. She was a good artist, but not actively sought after for big projects like this. What impacted Smith in illustrating the Rider-Waite deck? Pamela Colman Smith was influenced by her personal art style/life, the Tarot's history, the teachings of the Golden Dawn, and important people in her life when illustrating the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
Date Created