Tutoring Center Management System

The Tutoring Center Management System is a web-based application for ASU’s University Academic Success Programs (UASP) department, particularly the Math Tutoring Center. It is aimed at providing a user-friendly interface to track queue requests from students visiting the tutoring centers

The Tutoring Center Management System is a web-based application for ASU’s University Academic Success Programs (UASP) department, particularly the Math Tutoring Center. It is aimed at providing a user-friendly interface to track queue requests from students visiting the tutoring centers and convert that information into actionable data with the potential to live-track and assess the performance of each tutoring center and each tutor. Numerous UASP processes are streamlined to create an efficient and integrated workflow, such as tutor scheduling, tutor search, shift coverage requests, and analytics. The intended users of the application feature ASU students and the UASP staff, including tutors and supervisors.
Date Created

The History and Practical Applications of Video Games as a Medium for Dispersing Knowledge of and Generating Discussion Around Sustainability

Games are prolific as an educational medium, and are able to tell a much richer story than pictures or words alone. This has led to the widespread phenomenon known as “gamification” in the educational and business sectors, as well as

Games are prolific as an educational medium, and are able to tell a much richer story than pictures or words alone. This has led to the widespread phenomenon known as “gamification” in the educational and business sectors, as well as educational games. While gamification itself is very prolific, its application to sustainability issues has been somewhat limited. With the progression of technology and the high percentage of gamers within the population, the time is ripe for a paradigm shift. Humans have always played games to inform themselves and others, and though this takes many forms, they always will, be their efforts dedicated to education, entertainment, or profit. While teaching and entertainment may sometimes be at odds with one another, they do not have to be. Many audiences respond well to varied forms of entertainment, and when the ability of a thing designed to further educate or gamify is given room to be entertaining as well, all involved benefit. Sustainability as a whole is an incredibly nebulous and broad concept, such that current educational and entertaining games exploring the subject largely addresses it on a smaller scale, or looks at a piece of the picture instead of all of it, as smaller pieces are easier to break down and address. There are ways that games can be and are vehicles for both entertainment and education, and by combining the two end goals in relatively equal measure, a solid platform can be built off of which both learning and personal growth can occur.
Date Created

Determining the viability of an asymmetric and co-operative virtual reality experience for two players utilizing a single virtual reality headset and a keyboard and mouse

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Virtual reality gives users the opportunity to immerse themselves in an accurately
simulated computer-generated environment. These environments are accurately simulated in that they provide the appearance of- and allow users to interact with- the simulated environment. Using head-mounted displays, controllers,

Virtual reality gives users the opportunity to immerse themselves in an accurately
simulated computer-generated environment. These environments are accurately simulated in that they provide the appearance of- and allow users to interact with- the simulated environment. Using head-mounted displays, controllers, and auditory feedback, virtual reality provides a convincing simulation of interactable virtual worlds (Wikipedia, “Virtual reality”). The many worlds of virtual reality are often expansive, colorful, and detailed. However, there is one great flaw among them- an emotion evoked in many users through the exploration of such worlds-loneliness.
The content in these worlds is impressive, immersive, and entertaining. Without other people to share in these experiences, however, one can find themselves lonely. Users discover a feeling that no matter how many objects and colors surround them in countless virtual worlds, every world feels empty. As humans are social beings by nature, they feel lost without a sense of human connection and human interaction. Multiplayer experiences offer this missing element into the immersion of virtual reality worlds. Multiplayer offers users the opportunity to interact with other live people in a virtual simulation, which creates lasting memories and deeper, more meaningful immersion.
Date Created

Determining the Viability of an asymmetric and co-operative VR experience for two players utilizing a single VR headset and keyboard and mouse

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Virtual reality gives users the opportunity to immerse themselves in an accurately
simulated computer-generated environment. These environments are accurately simulated in that they provide the appearance of- and allow users to interact with- the simulated environment. Using head-mounted displays, controllers,

Virtual reality gives users the opportunity to immerse themselves in an accurately
simulated computer-generated environment. These environments are accurately simulated in that they provide the appearance of- and allow users to interact with- the simulated environment. Using head-mounted displays, controllers, and auditory feedback, virtual reality provides a convincing simulation of interactable virtual worlds (Wikipedia, “Virtual reality”). The many worlds of virtual reality are often expansive, colorful, and detailed. However, there is one great flaw among them- an emotion evoked in many users through the exploration of such worlds-loneliness.
The content in these worlds is impressive, immersive, and entertaining. Without other people to share in these experiences, however, one can find themselves lonely. Users discover a feeling that no matter how many objects and colors surround them in countless virtual worlds, every world feels empty. As humans are social beings by nature, they feel lost without a sense of human connection and human interaction. Multiplayer experiences offer this missing element into the immersion of virtual reality worlds. Multiplayer offers users the opportunity to interact with other live people in a virtual simulation, which creates lasting memories and deeper, more meaningful immersion.
Date Created

Jaipur Simulation and AI

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This paper details the process for designing both a simulation of the board game Jaipur, and an artificial intelligence (AI) agent that can play the game against a human player. When designing an AI for a card game, there are

This paper details the process for designing both a simulation of the board game Jaipur, and an artificial intelligence (AI) agent that can play the game against a human player. When designing an AI for a card game, there are two major problems that can arise. The first is the difficulty of using a search space to analyze every possible set of future moves. Due to the randomized nature of the deck of cards, the search space rapidly leads to an exponentially growing set of potential game states to analyze when one tries to look more than one turn ahead. The second aspect that poses difficulty is the element of uncertainty that exists from opponent feedback. Certain moves are weak to specific opponent reactions, and these are difficult to predict due to hidden information. To circumvent these problems, the AI uses a greedy approach to decision making, attempting to maximize the value of its plays immediately, and not play for future turns. The agent utilizes conditional statements to evaluate the game state and choose a game action that it deems optimal, a heuristic to place an expected value (EV) of the goods it can choose from, and selects the best one based on this evaluation. Initial implementation of the simulation was done using C++ through a terminal application, and then was translated to a graphical interface using Unity and C#.
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