Community- and Relationship-Based Resource Management Video Game

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For my creative project thesis, I have designed and developed a video game called Amity Academy. Amity Academy is a strategic resource management simulator that aims to subvert genre expectations and challenge generally accepted definitions of success and leadership both

For my creative project thesis, I have designed and developed a video game called Amity Academy. Amity Academy is a strategic resource management simulator that aims to subvert genre expectations and challenge generally accepted definitions of success and leadership both in-game and in the real world. It does so by moving the focus away from amassing large amounts of in-game currencies and becoming politically or militarily dominant towards caring for the denizens of the social unit the player controls. The player acts as an administrator at a school where they must make decisions on how to best run the institution. Although they are allowed to lead the school however they see fit, the emphasis is on prioritizing strong interpersonal and intracommunity relationships and connections and the wellbeing and happiness of those under their ward. Amity Academy is also part of the newly-emerging “wholesome” or “comfy” game genre. Unlike serious strategy games that can be stressful, Amity Academy presents a self-paced, low-stakes situation. This mood is further encouraged by calming environmental noises and music, a gentle color palette, and a charming art style. The game feels domestic and quaint, almost reminiscent of a Jane Wooster Scott or Mary Singleton painting. You can download and play Amity Academy here:

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Procedural Content Generation Using Noise

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Procedural content generation refers to the creation of data algorithmically using controlled randomness. These algorithms can be used to generate complex environments and geological formations as opposed to manually creating environments, using photogrammetry, or other means. Geological formations and the

Procedural content generation refers to the creation of data algorithmically using controlled randomness. These algorithms can be used to generate complex environments and geological formations as opposed to manually creating environments, using photogrammetry, or other means. Geological formations and the surrounding terrain can be created using noise based algorithms such as Perlin noise. However, interpreting noise in this manner has a number of challenges due to the pseudo-random nature of noise. We will discuss how to generate noise, how to render noise, and the challenges in interpreting noise.

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REFLEX: Relative Executive Function Level Examination


The goal of this thesis project was to develop a digital, quantitative assessment of executive functioning skills and problem solving abilities. This assessment was intended to serve as a relative measure of executive functions and problem solving abilities rather than

The goal of this thesis project was to develop a digital, quantitative assessment of executive functioning skills and problem solving abilities. This assessment was intended to serve as a relative measure of executive functions and problem solving abilities rather than a diagnosis; the main purpose was to identify areas for improvement and provide individuals with an understanding of their current ability levels. To achieve this goal, we developed a web-based assessment through Unity that used gamelike modifications of Flanker, Antisaccade, Embedded Images, Raven’s Matrices, and Color / Order Memory tasks. Participants were invited to access the assessment at to complete the assessment and their results were analyzed. The findings of this project indicate that these tasks accurately represent executive functioning skills, the Flanker Effect is present in the collected data, and there is a notable correlation between each of the REFLEX challenges. In conclusion, we successfully developed a short, gamelike, online assessment of executive functioning and problem solving abilities. Future developments of REFLEX could look into immediate scoring, developing a mobile application, and externally validating the results.

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REFLEX: Relative Executive Function Level Examination


The goal of this thesis project was to develop a digital, quantitative assessment of executive functioning skills and problem solving abilities. This assessment was intended to serve as a relative measure of executive functions and problem solving abilities rather than

The goal of this thesis project was to develop a digital, quantitative assessment of executive functioning skills and problem solving abilities. This assessment was intended to serve as a relative measure of executive functions and problem solving abilities rather than a diagnosis; the main purpose was to identify areas for improvement and provide individuals with an understanding of their current ability levels. To achieve this goal, we developed a web-based assessment through Unity that used gamelike modifications of Flanker, Antisaccade, Embedded Images, Raven’s Matrices, and Color / Order Memory tasks. Participants were invited to access the assessment at to complete the assessment and their results were analyzed. The findings of this project indicate that these tasks accurately represent executive functioning skills, the Flanker Effect is present in the collected data, and there is a notable correlation between each of the REFLEX challenges. In conclusion, we successfully developed a short, gamelike, online assessment of executive functioning and problem solving abilities. Future developments of REFLEX could look into immediate scoring, developing a mobile application, and externally validating the results.

Date Created

Educational Software Based on System Dynamics


This thesis explores the potential for software to act as an educational experience for engineers who are learning system dynamics and controls. The specific focus is a spring-mass-damper system. First, a brief introduction of the spring-mass-damper system is given, followed

This thesis explores the potential for software to act as an educational experience for engineers who are learning system dynamics and controls. The specific focus is a spring-mass-damper system. First, a brief introduction of the spring-mass-damper system is given, followed by a review of the background and prior work concerning this topic. Then, the methodology and main approaches of the system are explained, as well as a more technical overview of the program. Lastly, a conclusion and discussion of potential future work is covered. The project was found to be useful by several engineers who tested it. While there is still plenty of functionality to add, it is a promising first attempt at teaching engineers through software development.

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Non-Euclidean Worlds in Virtual Reality for Environmental Puzzles in Video Games

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This thesis is based on bringing together three different components: non-Euclidean geometric worlds, virtual reality, and environmental puzzles in video games. While all three exist in their own right in the world of video games, as well as combined in

This thesis is based on bringing together three different components: non-Euclidean geometric worlds, virtual reality, and environmental puzzles in video games. While all three exist in their own right in the world of video games, as well as combined in pairs, there are virtually no examples of all three together. Non-Euclidean environmental puzzle games have existed for around 10 years in various forms, short environmental puzzle games in virtual reality have come into existence in around the past five years, and non-Euclidean virtual reality exists mainly as non-video game short demos from the past few years. This project seeks to be able to bring these components together to create a proof of concept for how a game like this should function, particularly the integration of non-Euclidean virtual reality in the context of a video game. To do this, a Unity package which uses a custom system for creating worlds in a non-Euclidean way rather than Unity’s built-in components such as for transforms, collisions, and rendering was used. This was used in conjunction with the SteamVR implementation with Unity to create a cohesive and immersive player experience.

Date Created

Self Play Machine Learning and Pokemon

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Video games often feature agents that the human player interacts with to overcome.
Designing these agents to cover every case of human interaction is difficult, and usually
imperfect, as human players are capable of learning to overcome these agents in unintended
ways. Artificial

Video games often feature agents that the human player interacts with to overcome.
Designing these agents to cover every case of human interaction is difficult, and usually
imperfect, as human players are capable of learning to overcome these agents in unintended
ways. Artificial intelligence is a growing field that seeks to solve problems by simulating
learning in specific environments. The aim of this paper is to explore the applications that the
self play learning branch of artificial intelligence may pose on game development in the future,
and to attempt to implement a working version of a self play agent learning to play a Pokemon
battle. Originally designed Pokemon battle behavior is often suboptimal, getting stuck making
ineffective or incorrect choices, so training a self play model to learn the strategy and structure of
Pokemon battles from a clean slate would result in an organic agent that would outperform the
original behavior of the computer controlled agents. Though unsuccessful in my implementation,
this paper serves as a record of the exploration of this field, and a log of what worked and what
did not, in order to benefit any future person interested in the same topics.
Date Created

Effects of Virtual Reality on Memory Rehabilitation

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In this project, I investigated the impact of virtual reality on memory retention. The investigative approach to see the impact of virtual reality on memory retention, I utilized the memorization technique called the memory palace in a virtual reality environment.

In this project, I investigated the impact of virtual reality on memory retention. The investigative approach to see the impact of virtual reality on memory retention, I utilized the memorization technique called the memory palace in a virtual reality environment. For the experiment, due to Covid-19, I was forced to be the only subject. To get effective data, I tested myself within randomly generated environments with a completely unique set of objects, both outside of a virtual reality environment and within one. First I conducted a set of 10 tests on myself by going through a virtual environment on my laptop and recalling as many objects I could within that environment. I recorded the accuracy of my own recollection as well as how long it took me to get through the data. Next I conducted a set of 10 tests on myself by going through the same virtual environment, but this time with an immersive virtual reality(VR) headset and a completely new set of objects. At the start of the project it was hypothesized that virtual reality would result in a higher memory retention rate versus simply going through the environment in a non-immersive environment. In the end, the results, albeit with a low test rate, leaned more toward showing the hypothesis to be true rather than not.
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Helix: A First Game Retrospective

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The original version of Helix, the one I pitched when first deciding to make a video game
for my thesis, is an action-platformer, with the intent of metroidvania-style progression
and an interconnected world map.

The current version of Helix is a turn based

The original version of Helix, the one I pitched when first deciding to make a video game
for my thesis, is an action-platformer, with the intent of metroidvania-style progression
and an interconnected world map.

The current version of Helix is a turn based role-playing game, with the intent of roguelike
gameplay and a dark fantasy theme. We will first be exploring the challenges that came
with programming my own game - not quite from scratch, but also without a prebuilt
engine - then transition into game design and how Helix has evolved from its original form
to what we see today.
Date Created

Analysis of Design Patterns on an AI Game Environment

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This Barrett thesis seeks to analyze software design patterns’ effects on a software system. To achieve this, the author specified a game environment that lets users write their own artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for simulation in the environment. Afterwards, the

This Barrett thesis seeks to analyze software design patterns’ effects on a software system. To achieve this, the author specified a game environment that lets users write their own artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for simulation in the environment. Afterwards, the author designed an architecture implementing the game system and designed components implementing the architecture. In software design, engineers use design patterns to develop components since software patterns generally apply to object-to-object interactions; architecture patterns apply to component-to-component interactions, and while they greatly influence software design, they are out of this project’s scope. To design the objects comprising this thesis system's event-driven model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, the author used the Adapter pattern to interface with other libraries, the Publisher-Subscriber pattern to pass information between objects, the Singleton pattern to enforce the existence of single state objects, the Dependency Injection pattern to build generic and composable functions, the Observer pattern to directly alert objects of observed objects’ changes, the Factory pattern to abstract object initialization, the Monad pattern to express complex computations without explicit branch control logic, and the Facade pattern to unite the game objects’ disparate interfaces into a single interface for AI developers. The implementation, integration, and synthesis of these pre-existing design patterns is the primary contribution of this project. After designing the software system, the author implemented the design using the TypeScript programming language, the Babel transpiler, the Webpack code bundler, and the Babylon.js graphics library. The author then performed a static evaluation on the implemented game system files by describing the overall dependency hierarchy and measuring each file’s lines of code, maintainability index, cyclomatic complexity, and Halstead difficulty score. Furthermore, the author compared these measurements with those collected from the Babylon, Phaser, and Lodash JavaScript libraries. The goals for reporting these measurements were to help show the game’s design enabling the system’s maintainability, usability, and expandability quality attributes and underscore software development as a creative and artistic discipline grounded in computational science. This thesis highlights the need for further research including developing methods with tools for evaluating behavioral aspects of design patterns relative to their quality attributes.
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