Large-Scale Direct Simple Shear Testing for Properties of Coarse Tailings Subject to Cyclic Loading

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This thesis focuses on large-scale direct simple shear (LDSS) testing to analyze the behavior of coarse mine tailings subject to cyclic loading. The motivation behind this research stems from recent failures of tailings dams, prompting mine owners globally to reassess

This thesis focuses on large-scale direct simple shear (LDSS) testing to analyze the behavior of coarse mine tailings subject to cyclic loading. The motivation behind this research stems from recent failures of tailings dams, prompting mine owners globally to reassess the safety of their tailing’s impoundments. Testing was carried out at the Arizona State University (ASU) Enamul and Mahmuda Hoque geotechnical laboratory using a unique LDSS device. Cyclic shearing, at different levels of strains, under constant normal stress test was carried out to investigate the modulus reduction and damping behavior of the tailings. Constant volume tests were conducted to simulate the undrained behavior of the tailings and provide insight to the tailings’ liquefaction potential. In both the constant normal stress and constant volume tests the tailings were sheared to the strain limit of the device to assess the post-cyclic shear behavior of the tailings. Testing was also conducted on tailings from the same parent material after screening the larger particle to evaluate the effect of the particle size. The thesis also includes recommendations for improving future test results. This thesis provides valuable insights on the behavior of coarse mine tailings which ultimately contributes to enhancing safety and environmental sustainability in the mining industry.
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Large-Scale Direct-Simple Shear (LDSS) Testing on Copper Mine Tailings

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This Master's thesis presents an experimental testing program conducted to assess the properties of coarse tailings from two Arizona copper mine heap leach pads. This testing program was motivated by recent failures in tailings impoundments, which has prompted a re-evaluation

This Master's thesis presents an experimental testing program conducted to assess the properties of coarse tailings from two Arizona copper mine heap leach pads. This testing program was motivated by recent failures in tailings impoundments, which has prompted a re-evaluation of tailings deposit stability worldwide. The testing was conducted using a unique large-scale Direct-Simple Shear (LDSS) device at Arizona State University (ASU). Prior to testing the tailings, the LDSS device had to be rehabilitated, as it had not been used for several years. The testing program included one-dimensional compression testing, shear wave velocity measurement, and monotonic shearing under constant volume conditions. The test results demonstrate the effectiveness of the LDSS device in obtaining representative data for tailings under monotonic loading. Recommendations for future improvements of the LDSS include enhancing the connection of monitoring instruments, utilizing more sophisticated software for shear wave velocity measurements, and optimizing the control system. The thesis contributes to geotechnical engineering by improving understanding and evaluation of tailings properties, thereby enhancing safety and environmental sustainability in the mining industry.
Date Created

Preliminary Study on Robotic Turning in Granular Media

Underground robots, or "burrowbots," have the potential to revolutionize undergroundexploration and study subterranean environments. The objective of this thesis is to preliminary explore a turning mechanism in burrowbots inside granular media. Building on the recent progress on bio-mimetic self-burrowing robots, specifically, inspirations

Underground robots, or "burrowbots," have the potential to revolutionize undergroundexploration and study subterranean environments. The objective of this thesis is to preliminary explore a turning mechanism in burrowbots inside granular media. Building on the recent progress on bio-mimetic self-burrowing robots, specifically, inspirations were taken from both biological and engineering solutions for general angular motion over a single axis, inside granular media. The newly proposed robot draws turning inspiration from hydraulic skeleton found in organisms like earthworm, incorporating a segmented body with ball-socket joint connections that allow for greater flexibility and maneuverability like in the human spine and, using the pivot-based turning mechanism used in Tunnel Boring Machine. The focus of this thesis is on the bending and turning aspects of the robot. The design of the robot is described in detail, including the process used to assemble the segments and ball joints and including the control mechanism to initiate turning. The bending / turning capabilities of the robot are evaluated through physical testing in a controlled environment. The robot's performance is assessed in glass bead with 2 mm particle size. The results demonstrate that the robot's segmented design with the ball-socket joint connections enable it to turn inside the particulate media. This ability makes it a promising candidate for soil exploration tasks. The thesis proposes an analytical framework for the amount of torque required to rotate an elementary body (cylindrical rod) when compared to the segmented robot design, to understand the relationship of torque and angle inside granular media. In conclusion, this thesis initiates a preliminary study in the field of soil exploration through the development of a robot with a unique design inspired by biology, exploring the capabilities of an underground robot equipped with a turning mechanism that allows it to change direction. The results demonstrate that the robot is able to turn inside the media which can pave the way for future research and applications in the field of underground robotics. (Keywords: preliminary, granular media, burrowbots, ball-joint connection, segmenteddesign)
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A Large-scale Experiment on Performance of MIDP in Stratified Silty Sand.

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The reactive transport related to microbially induced desaturation and precipitation (MIDP) via dissimilatory reduction of nitrogen (denitrification) in a sand layer trapped between the two silt layers was evaluated experimentally. MIDP is an emerging non-disruptive liquefaction mitigation technique that stimulates

The reactive transport related to microbially induced desaturation and precipitation (MIDP) via dissimilatory reduction of nitrogen (denitrification) in a sand layer trapped between the two silt layers was evaluated experimentally. MIDP is an emerging non-disruptive liquefaction mitigation technique that stimulates naturally occurring microorganisms to reduce nitrate to nitrogen gas and oxidize organic carbon to inorganic carbon. The relatively insoluble nitrogen gas desaturates the soil and carbonate ions combine with calcium ions in the pore water and precipitate as calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Both desaturation and carbonate precipitation can mitigate liquefaction potential, but both processes, along with biomass formation, also modify the hydraulic properties of the soil, complicating the treatment process. Several studies have already demonstrated the mechanical response for MIDP treated homogenous granular soils at the bench scale. In addition, tank tests performed by Stallings Young et al. 2021 in coarse sand and stratified sandy soil conditions have been performed to evaluate the reactive transport and treatment performance at meter-scale planar flow conditions in uniform and stratified sand layers. However, there are many instances in the field where liquefiable sand layers are overlain by thin silt layers. Knowledge of the distribution of substrates and products and their effect on the reactive transport in such stratified soil conditions and the longevity of the gas bubbles is limited. In this study, an experiment was performed simulating two-dimensional planar flow conditions to evaluate the condition where a liquefiable sand layer is confined between silt layers. Multiple treatment cycles were employed targeting a maximum iii average CaCO3 content of 1%. Time lapse image analysis of the flow of substrates throughout the process was used to determine seepage velocity and monitor changes in the hydraulic properties of the soil and the migration and persistence of desaturation throughout and after the treatment. The measurement results of various embedded sensors were used to analyze the effectiveness of MIDP treatment and distribution of substrates and products throughout the treated soil with time. Results highlighted various mechanisms by which gas could migrate through the soil.
Date Created

Development of a Novel Aerogel-Based Modified Bituminous Materials

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Thermal susceptibility is one of the biggest challenges that asphalt pavements must overcome. Asphalt mixture’s thermal susceptibility can increase problems related to permanent deformation, and the expansion-contraction phenomenon triggers thermal cracking. Furthermore, there is a common worldwide interest in environmental

Thermal susceptibility is one of the biggest challenges that asphalt pavements must overcome. Asphalt mixture’s thermal susceptibility can increase problems related to permanent deformation, and the expansion-contraction phenomenon triggers thermal cracking. Furthermore, there is a common worldwide interest in environmental impacts and pavements. Saving energy and mitigating the urban heat island (UHI) effect have been drawing the attention of researchers, governments, and industrial organizations. Pavements have been shown to play an important role in the UHI effect. Globally, about 90% of roadways are made of asphalt mixtures. The main objective of this research study involves the development and testing of an innovative aerogel-based product in the modification of asphalt mixtures to function as a material with unique thermal resistance properties, and potentially providing an urban cooling mechanism for the UHI. Other accomplishments included the development of test procedures to estimate the thermal conductivity of asphalt binders, the expansion-contraction of asphalt mixtures, and a computational tool to better understand the pavement’s thermal profile and stresses. Barriers related to the manufacturing and field implementation of the aerogel-based product were overcome. Unmodified and modified asphalt mixtures were manufactured at an asphalt plant to build pavement slabs. Thermocouples installed at top and bottom collected data daily. This data was valuable in understanding the temperature fluctuation of the pavement. Also, the mechanical properties of asphalt binders and mixtures with and without the novel product were evaluated in the laboratory. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses were also used to understand the interaction of the developed product with bituminous materials. The modified pavements showed desirable results in reducing overall pavement temperatures and suppressing the temperature gradient, a key to minimize thermal cracking. The comprehensive laboratory tests showed favorable outcomes for pavement performance. The use of a pavement design software, and life cycle/cost assessment studies supported the use of this newly developed technology. Modified pavements would perform better than control in distresses related to permanent deformation and thermal cracking; they reduce tire/pavement noise, require less raw material usage during their life cycle, and have lower life cycle cost compared to conventional pavements.
Date Created

A Bayesian Forecast Model for the Climatic Response of Unsaturated Soils

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The climate-driven volumetric response of unsaturated soils (shrink-swell and frost heave) frequently causes costly distresses in lightly loaded structures (pavements and shallow foundations) due to the sporadic climatic fluctuations and soil heterogeneity which is not captured during the geotechnical design.

The climate-driven volumetric response of unsaturated soils (shrink-swell and frost heave) frequently causes costly distresses in lightly loaded structures (pavements and shallow foundations) due to the sporadic climatic fluctuations and soil heterogeneity which is not captured during the geotechnical design. The complexity associated with the unsaturated soil mechanics combined with the high degree of variability in both the natural characteristics of soil and the empirical models which are commonly implemented tends to lead to engineering judgment outweighing the results of deterministic computations for the basis of design. Recent advances in the application of statistical techniques and Bayesian Inference in geotechnical modeling allows for the inclusion of both parameter and model uncertainty, providing a quantifiable representation of this invaluable engineering judgement. The overall goal achieved in this study was to develop, validate, and implement a new method to evaluate climate-driven volume change of shrink-swell soils using a framework that encompasses predominantly stochastic time-series techniques and mechanistic shrink-swell volume change computations. Four valuable objectives were accomplished during this research study while on the path to complete the overall goal: 1) development of an procedure for automating the selection of the Fourier Series form of the soil suction diffusion equations used to represent the natural seasonal variations in suction at the ground surface, 2) development of an improved framework for deterministic estimation of shrink-swell soil volume change using historical climate data and the Fourier series suction model, 3) development of a Bayesian approach to randomly generate combinations of correlated soil properties for use in stochastic simulations, and 4) development of a procedure to stochastically forecast the climatic parameters required for shrink-swell soil volume change estimations. The models presented can be easily implemented into existing foundation and pavement design procedures or used for forensic evaluations using historical data. For pavement design, the new framework for stochastically forecasting the variability of shrink-swell soil volume change provides significant improvement over the existing empirical models that have been used for more than four decades.
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Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using Plant-Extracted Silicate Solution

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Expansive soils pose considerable geotechnical and structural challenges all over the world. Many cities, towns, transport systems, and structures are built on expansive soils. This study evaluates stabilization of expansive soils using silicate solution extracted from rice husk taking advantage

Expansive soils pose considerable geotechnical and structural challenges all over the world. Many cities, towns, transport systems, and structures are built on expansive soils. This study evaluates stabilization of expansive soils using silicate solution extracted from rice husk taking advantage of an agricultural material waste. Rice husk ash production was optimized considering several factors including rinsing solution, rinsing temperature, burning time, and burning temperature. Results indicated that washing the rice husk with HCl (1M) produced an ash with surface area of 320 m2/g and 97% of silicon oxide. Two local soils were treated with sodium silicate solution, silica gel at pH 1.5, and silica gel at pH 4 to evaluate its mechanical properties at curing times of 1 day, 7 days, and 14 days. Results indicated that sodium silicate solution reduced the one-dimensional swell by 48% for Soil A, however, swell for soil B remained about the same. Silica gel at pH 1.5 reduced the one-dimensional swell by 67% for soil A and by 35% for soil B. Silica gel at pH 4 did also reduce the free swell by 40% for soil A and by 35% for soil B. Results also indicated that the swell pressures for all treated soils increased significantly compared to untreated soils. Soils treated with sodium silicate solution showed irregular compaction curves. Silica gel-treated soils showed a reduction in the maximum dry unit weight for both soils but optimum water content decreased for soil A and increased for soil B. Atterberg limits were also reduced for sodium silicate and silica gels-treated soils. Swelling index for bentonite showed a reduction by 53% for all treated bentonites. Soil-water characteristics curves (SWCC) for sodium silicate-treated soils remined almost the same as untreated soils. However, silica gels-treated soils retain more water. Surface area (SSA) decreased for sodium silicate-treated soil but increased for all silica gels-treated soils. It was concluded that curing times did not show additional improvement in most of the experiments, but the results remained about the same as 1-day treatment. The study demonstrated that silicate solution is promising and sustainable technique for stabilization of expansive soils.
Date Created

Self-Burrowing Mechanism and Robot Inspired by Razor Clams

The Atlantic razor clam burrows underground with effectiveness and efficiency by coordinating shape changings of its shell and foot. Inspired by the burrowing strategy of razor clams, this research is dedicated to developing a self-burrowing technology for active underground explorations

The Atlantic razor clam burrows underground with effectiveness and efficiency by coordinating shape changings of its shell and foot. Inspired by the burrowing strategy of razor clams, this research is dedicated to developing a self-burrowing technology for active underground explorations by investigating the burrowing mechanism of razor clams from the perspective of soil mechanics. In this study, the razor clam was observed to burrow out of sands simply by extending and contracting its foot periodically. This upward burrowing gait is much simpler than its downward burrowing gait, which also involves opening/closing of the shell and dilation of the foot. The upward burrowing gait inspired the design of a self-burrowing-out soft robot, which drives itself out of sands naturally by extension and contraction through pneumatic inflation and deflation. A simplified analytical model was then proposed and explained the upward burrowing behavior of the robot and razor clams as the asymmetric nature of soil resistances applied on both ends due to the intrinsic stress gradient of sand deposits. To burrow downward, additional symmetry-breaking features are needed for the robot to increase the resistance in the upward burrowing direction and to decrease the resistance in the downward burrowing direction. A potential approach is by incorporating friction anisotropy, which was then experimentally demonstrated to affect the upward burrowing of the soft robot. The downward burrowing gait of razor clams provides another inspiration. By exploring the analogies between the downward burrowing gait and in-situ soil characterization methods, a clam-inspired shape-changing penetrator was designed and penetrated dry granular materials both numerically and experimentally. Results demonstrated that the shell opening not only contributes to forming a penetration anchor by compressing the surrounding particles, but also reduces the foot penetration resistance temporally by creating a stress arch above the foot; the shell closing facilitates the downward burrowing by reducing the friction resistance to the subsequent shell retraction. Findings from this research shed lights on the future design of a clam-inspired self-burrowing robot.
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A Reflection on Translating a Thesis on Soil Pollution in Jiangsu

This project took thesis written in Mandarin researching heavy metal pollution in the Jiangsu region of province and translated it to English. Then the reflection process was discussed, considering the translation challenges between Mandarin and English and how the scientific nature of the piece played into that process.
Date Created

Properties of Sand Stabilized with Bio-Based Sodium Silicate Solution

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This study evaluates the use of plant-extracted silica solution as a bio-based grout material for improvement of granular soils. Although silicate grout is a very well-established and popular technique in the ground improvement market, efforts have been initiated to replace

This study evaluates the use of plant-extracted silica solution as a bio-based grout material for improvement of granular soils. Although silicate grout is a very well-established and popular technique in the ground improvement market, efforts have been initiated to replace chemically-synthesized silicate grout with plant-extracted silica grout. This initiative will increase the level of sustainability and consequently improve the existing market acceptability. The silica-rich plant source used for extraction was rice husk, which is an abundantly produced agricultural waste. The extraction method includes acid-leaching, temperature-controlled rice husk ash production and the preparation of an aqueous sodium silicate solution from the ash through an alkaline leachate method. Silica ash was in amorphous form containing 95% of silica content which is suitable for soil treatment. Gelation time was controlled in the absence and presence of sand under different pH values. Bio-based silica grouting showed an improvement of the shear strength of the soil as well as the hydraulic conductivity reduction.
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