Data management planning before supercomputing and A collaborative approach in research data sharing at ASU

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A two-part presentation from the ASU Library and Knowledge Enterprise Research Data Management Office. Presented at the 2023 Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium (RMACC).

Session 1: Data management planning is an integral step in the research data life cycle. Large amounts

A two-part presentation from the ASU Library and Knowledge Enterprise Research Data Management Office. Presented at the 2023 Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium (RMACC).

Session 1: Data management planning is an integral step in the research data life cycle. Large amounts of data and lengthy code accompanying supercomputing runs are no exception. Planning before analysis will benefit research and the researcher by providing a clear strategy for collecting, storing, analyzing, and sharing the data at the end of the research cycle. Supercomputing can require significant storage beyond scratch space, but researchers typically need to be informed of what tools are appropriate and available. Framed within the planning phase of the life cycle, this presentation presents ASU’s Storage Selector as a quick and easy tool to find the most appropriate storage resources provided by the university to help researchers choose a proper storage and management solution for their research data at the right time in their project. We will also explore the DMP Tool, developed by the California Digital Library, which provides a resource-rich platform for writing data management plans, including institutional-specific guidance, feedback request, and public plans that can be used as guides.

Session 2: This presentation overviews the ongoing working relationship between the ASU Library Open Science and Scholarly Communication division, Research Data Management Office, and Research Computing. We will explore these teams’ interdisciplinary relationships and interdependence as the institution increasingly supports open science practices and initiatives. We will include case studies regarding the decision-making process, data-sharing decisions, and opportunities and challenges when transferring research data from a high-performance computing environment to the ASU Research Data Repository. Finally, we will share lessons learned as we intentionally shepherd research data from active project management and storage to final publication and preservation.

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Bridging the Gap Through Collaboration: The ASU Library Barrett Honors College Peer Mentor Program

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The transforming skills that lead to exceptional academic results are writing and research. While it is the role of academic librarians to provide the appropriate resources to facilitate research, arguably students are more willing to rely on their fellow students

The transforming skills that lead to exceptional academic results are writing and research. While it is the role of academic librarians to provide the appropriate resources to facilitate research, arguably students are more willing to rely on their fellow students than professional library assistance. At Arizona State University’s Barrett, The Honors College, trained and motivated students are serving as Peer Mentors who assist student research needs without the "stigma" of asking a Librarian for help.

The panel discusses and elucidate components of a student-to-student peer program and cover comprehensive planning aspects of personnel, communication and workflow methodologies, interdisciplinary representation, and competency building activities. They will share training and work protocols, focusing on the evolution of the program from conceptualization through implementation. The presentation is an interactive conversation between the panelists (covering varying aspects and perspectives of the program) and the audience.
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Collaborating Externally and Training Internally to Support Research Data Services

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The ASU Library is actively building relationships around and increasing its expertise in research data services. We have established a collaboration with our university’s research administration in order to coordinate our distinct areas of expertise in research data services so

The ASU Library is actively building relationships around and increasing its expertise in research data services. We have established a collaboration with our university’s research administration in order to coordinate our distinct areas of expertise in research data services so that both entities can better support researchers all the way through the research data lifecycle. The Library embedded itself into research administration’s learning management system and works with their research advancement officers to engage with researchers and staff we have not traditionally reached. Forging this new collaboration increased expectations that the Library will expand existing research data services to more investigators, so we have grown Library professionals’ internal competencies by providing research data management training opportunities to meet these demands. In addition, the Library’s Research Services Working Group established data competencies, workflows, and trainings so more librarians gain skills necessary to answer and assist patrons with data needs. Greater expertise throughout the Library enables us to authentically and confidently scale our research data services and form new collaborations.
The substance of this article is based upon a lightning talk given at RDAP Summit 2019.
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Getting to the Core of Services: Considering the Arizona State University Library as a Core Facility

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As academic libraries focus on delivering new services in such areas as research data, digital preservation, and data curation, they have begun to explore alternative funding models and approaches to research. The Arizona State University (ASU) Library in Tempe works

As academic libraries focus on delivering new services in such areas as research data, digital preservation, and data curation, they have begun to explore alternative funding models and approaches to research. The Arizona State University (ASU) Library in Tempe works with the university's Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development to collaborate and support ASU's researchers at scale. The library's ongoing collaboration and its specialized services, consultations, and training have led it to consider becoming a core facility, a centralized service that would provide consultation and other help to the university's researchers. As a core facility, the library would gain the ability to fund new initiatives and functions that would expand its reach and improve its support for research.
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Developing Applied Projects Collections in an Institutional Repository: Challenges & Benefits

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While PhD dissertations are typically accessible many other terminal degree projects remain invisible and inaccessible to a greater audience. Over the past year and a half, librarians at Arizona State University collaborated with faculty and departmental administrators across a variety

While PhD dissertations are typically accessible many other terminal degree projects remain invisible and inaccessible to a greater audience. Over the past year and a half, librarians at Arizona State University collaborated with faculty and departmental administrators across a variety of fields to develop and create institutional repository collections that highlight and authoritatively share this type of student scholarship with schools, researchers, and future employers. This poster will present the benefits, challenges, and considerations required to successfully implement and manage these collections of applied final projects or capstone projects. Specifically, issues/challenges related to metadata consistency, faculty buy-in, and developing an ingest process, as well as benefits related to increased visibility and improved educational and employment opportunities will be discussed. This interactive presentation will also discuss lessons learned from the presenter’s experiences in context of how they can easily apply to benefit their respective institutions.
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Carlos Montezuma’s Wassaja Newsletter: Access, Engagement, and Collaboration


In 2014/2015, Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries, the Labriola National American Indian Data Center, and the ASU American Indian Studies Department completed an ASU Institute for Humanities Research (IHR) seed grant entitled “Carlos Montezuma’s Wassaja Newsletter: Digitization, Access and Context”

In 2014/2015, Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries, the Labriola National American Indian Data Center, and the ASU American Indian Studies Department completed an ASU Institute for Humanities Research (IHR) seed grant entitled “Carlos Montezuma’s Wassaja Newsletter: Digitization, Access and Context” to digitize all ASU held issues of the newsletter Wassaja Freedom’s Signal for the Indian, which Yavapai activist-intellectual Carlos Montezuma, MD (1866-1923) self-published during 1916-1922. The grant team additionally selected a portion of the ASU Libraries Carlos Montezuma archival collection for digitization to provide a more complete picture of Dr. Carlos Montezuma’s life and work.

The ASU grant team produced a searchable online collection on the ASU Digital Repository and created an online exhibition in conjunction with the IHR Nexus Lab’s Developing Wassaja Project. The Nexus Lab’s role at ASU is to grow the digital humanities through interdisciplinary collaborations bringing together humanities, science, and technology. The Nexus Lab partnered with the grant team to create the Developing Wassaja Project which provided an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students at ASU to engage in electronic publication through web application development.

The resulting web platform, Wassaja: A Carlos Montezuma Project, provides context for this digitized collection and facilitates community interaction, including a partnership with Dr. Montezuma’s home community the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation. In this webcast, Digital Projects Librarian Matthew Harp, Developing Wassaja Project team member Joe Buenker (subject librarian), and grant team member Joyce Martin (librarian and curator of the Labriola National American Indian Data Center) will discuss and demonstrate the resources created and the resulting partnership with the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation. The webcast will focus on identifying collaborators and needed skills to engage in Digital Humanities research and on identifying the stages of a collaborative project.

Participants will gain insight on working directly with diverse communities; overcoming technical limitations of traditional institutional repositories; collaborative strategies with faculty, research centers, and cultural heritage societies; solutions for moving hidden collections into an engaging digital exhibition; integrating digital humanities research and instruction with library curation; and preparing for long term costs and management issues.

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