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Background: The cost of substance use (SU) in the United States (U.S.) is estimated at $1.25 trillion annually. SU is a worldwide health concern, impacting physical and psychological health of those who use substances, their friends, family members,

Background: The cost of substance use (SU) in the United States (U.S.) is estimated at $1.25 trillion annually. SU is a worldwide health concern, impacting physical and psychological health of those who use substances, their friends, family members, communities and nations. Screening, Brief Intervention (BI) and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) provides an evidence-based (EB) framework to detect and treat SU. Evidence shows that mental health (MH) providers are not providing EB SU management. Federally grant-funded SBIRT demonstrated evidence of decreased SU and prevention of full disorders. Implementation outcomes in smaller-scale projects have included increased clinician knowledge, documentation and interdisciplinary teamwork.

Objective: To improve quality of care (QOC) for adolescents who use substances in the inpatient psychiatric setting by implementing EB SBIRT practices.

Methods: Research questions focused on whether the number of SBIRT notes documented (N=170 charts) increased and whether training of the interdisciplinary team (N=26 clinicians) increased SBIRT knowledge. Individualized interventions used existing processes, training and a new SBIRT Note template. An SBIRT knowledge survey was adapted from a similar study. A pre-and post-chart audit was conducted to show increase in SBIRT documentation. The rationale for the latter was not only for compliance, but also so that all team members can know the status of SBIRT services. Thus, increased interdisciplinary teamwork was an intentional, though indirect, outcome.

Results: A paired-samples t-test indicated clinician SBIRT knowledge significantly increased, with a large effect size. The results suggest that a short, 45-60-minute tailored education module can significantly increase clinician SBIRT knowledge. Auditing screening & BI notes both before and after the study period yielded important patient SU information and which types of SBIRT documentation increased post-implementation. The CRAFFT scores of the patients were quite high from a SU perspective, averaging over 3/6 both pre- and post-implementation, revealing over an 80% chance that the adolescent patient had a SU disorder. Most patients were positive for at least one substance (pre- = 47.1%; post- = 65.2%), with cannabis and alcohol being the most commonly used substances. Completed CRAFFT screenings increased from 62.5% to 72.7% of audited patients. Post-implementation, there were two types of BI notes: the preexisting Progress Note BI (PN BI) and the new Auto-Text BI (AT BI), part of the new SBIRT Note template introduced during implementation. The PN BIs not completed despite a positive screen increased from 79.6% to 83.7%. PN BIs increased 1%. The option for AT BI notes ameliorated this effect. Total BI notes completed for a patient positive for a substance increased from 20.4% to 32.6%, with 67.4% not receiving a documented BI. Total BIs completed for all patients was 21.2% post-implementation.

Conclusion: This project is scalable throughout the U.S. in MH settings and will provide crucial knowledge about positive and negative drivers in small-scale SBIRT implementations. The role of registered nurses (RNs), social workers and psychiatrists in providing SBIRT services as an interdisciplinary team will be enhanced. Likely conclusions are that short trainings can significantly increase clinician knowledge about SBIRT and compliance with standards. Consistent with prior evidence, significant management involvement, SBIRT champions, thought leaders and other consistent emphasis is necessary to continue improving SBIRT practice in the target setting.

Keywords: adolescents, teenagers, youth, alcohol, behavioral health, cannabis, crisis, documentation, drug use, epidemic, high-risk use, illicit drugs, implementation, mental health, opiates, opioid, pilot study, psychiatric inpatient hospital, quality improvement, SBIRT, Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment, substance use, unhealthy alcohol use, use disorders

Contributors Maixner, Roberta (Author) / Guthery, Ann (Thesis advisor) / Mensik, Jennifer (Thesis advisor) / Uriri-Glover, Johannah (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-05-02
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Purpose: The purpose of this evidence-based practice project was to improve participation by increasing registration on to a medical patient portal to an uninsured population. Medical patient portals have the potential to provide patients with timely, transparent access

Purpose: The purpose of this evidence-based practice project was to improve participation by increasing registration on to a medical patient portal to an uninsured population. Medical patient portals have the potential to provide patients with timely, transparent access to health care information and engage them in their health care process and management. This may result in improved disease management outcomes.

Methods: This project was guided by a The Rosswurm and Larrabee Model for Change to Evidence- Based Practice and Pender’s health promotion framework. IRB Approved by ASU. The instruction was implemented at an urban clinic in downtown phoenix that serves uninsured and underserved individuals. Uninsured participants were recruited (n=50). A survey pre and post registration was conducted to assess knowledge and medical portal participation in addition a random pre and post chart review was performed.

Results: Descriptive statistics was used to describe sample and outcome variables. A chi-square test of independence was calculated comparing pre and post intervention significant change was found (χ2 (1) = .002, P<0.05.), a paired sample t test was calculated to compare knowledge pre and post registration instruction the mean pre-10.187(SD = 4.422), post mean was 16.958(SD=.856). A significant increase of knowledge was found (t (47) =-9.573, p (<.001).

Outcomes: In this population both patients and providers have seen significant benefits such as increased communication and patient participation, from the implementation of evidence based educational tools such as instruction with teach back, and the usage of brochures. Potential Implication for sustainability includes the lack of a designated individual that is bilingual to register patients, making patients aware of the existence of a medical patient portal, patient’s fear of sharing immigration status.
Contributors Alvarado, Cecilia I. (Author) / Thrall, Charlotte (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-05-03
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Aim: To reduce the fear of falling in an elderly population by teaching ‘Tai Chi for Falls Prevention’ classes twice a week for 12 weeks.

Background & Significance: Falls continue to be the leading cause of injury-related deaths of

Aim: To reduce the fear of falling in an elderly population by teaching ‘Tai Chi for Falls Prevention’ classes twice a week for 12 weeks.

Background & Significance: Falls continue to be the leading cause of injury-related deaths of Arizonans who are 65 years or older - well above the national average. It is predicted that by 2030, national medical spending for this population will total over $31 billion, yearly. Tai Chi is revered for being a beneficial form of simple, low-impact exercise, which the CDC endorses for its falls risk reduction benefits.

Methods: The intervention consisted of 60-minute classes occurring twice a week for 12 weeks. Participants were English-speaking, between 65-85 years old, and able to ambulate independently. Appropriate pre-screening tools were used before applicants consented. Their Fear of Falling (FoF) was measured using a fall risk perception tool at the beginning, middle, and the end of the project. This ordinal data was analyzed with Friedman ANOVA using SPSS 25

Outcomes/Results: After enrolling five total participants, only three completed the project. This severely limited data analysis of their FoF, resulting in a statistical significance (p = 0.68), deeming the intervention ineffective - Despite observable downwards trending FoF scores.

Conclusion: The acceptance of the null hypothesis is attributed to the low enrollment and high attrition rate. Also, the only data measured was quantifiable, subjective data. Future projects could add objective data to reinforce the benefits of Tai Chi. This might reinforce the validity of Tai Chi as a practical recommendation due to its cost-effective simple interventional design and effectiveness for prevention of accidental falls. Increased focus on improved recruitment & retainment strategies should be prioritized for similar projects in the future.

Contributors Sawicki, Graham C. (Author) / Thrall, Charlotte (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-04-15
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Purpose/Aims: We aim to increase understanding of water safety measures among primary care providers and improve the quality and efficiency of parent water-safety education.

Background and Significance: Drownings are the leading cause of death in one to four

Purpose/Aims: We aim to increase understanding of water safety measures among primary care providers and improve the quality and efficiency of parent water-safety education.

Background and Significance: Drownings are the leading cause of death in one to four year old children in the United States. Arizona’s drowning rate is nearly double the national average for this age group. Water safety is an important anticipatory guidance topic a primary care provider should be discussing at all well visits. The Health Belief Model is an effective framework to guide family education interventions. It is strongly encouraged that providers incorporate water safety education into the developmental milestone discussions.

Methods: Ten providers recruited from six Arizona pediatric primary care clinics participated in an educational one-hour session. Providers were encouraged to prioritize water safety discussions within the one to four year old age group and deliver education in the context of individual child development. Additionally, providers were updated on water safety recommendations from the Center for Family Health and Safety at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Supplemental handouts with developmental water safety information were given to each office to aid providers in parent education. A pre-survey was administered to the providers prior to the education session and a post-survey was given at an eight-week follow up. The surveys measured provider perception and current practices of water safety education and utilized a Likert scale to compare data sets. Current and retrospective chart reviews were conducted to evaluate sustainability of the educational intervention.

Outcomes/Results: Sixty percent of provider participants were Medical Doctors (MD) and 40% were Nurse Practitioners (NP) with experience ranging from one year to over 20 years. Following the education session, providers were more likely to discuss keeping a child at arms-reach at all times (p=0.046) during their well visits. There was also an increase in providers incorporating water safety discussions into milestone education (p=0.054).

Conclusion: This educational intervention empowered providers to deliver water safety education in the context of normal developmental milestones at each one to four year old well visit. The anticipatory guidance emphasizes to parents that the behaviors their children exhibit are healthy and normal, but also explains how achieving these milestones put their children at greater risk for drownings. This quality improvement project is part of a larger initiative to decrease the number of drownings in Arizona through education and policy
Contributors Tretiakova, Catherine (Author) / Isaacson, Tiffaney (Author) / Jacobson, Diana (Author, Thesis advisor) / Bowman, Diana (Author)
Created 2019-04-29
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Over the last ten years, a dramatic increase in Emergency Department (ED) visits has been prominent. Non-emergent chief complaints, such as repeat chronic care needs, are causing increased ED visits. The underutilization of primary care resources has been

Over the last ten years, a dramatic increase in Emergency Department (ED) visits has been prominent. Non-emergent chief complaints, such as repeat chronic care needs, are causing increased ED visits. The underutilization of primary care resources has been correlated with the overutilization of emergency care resources. ED overutilization is having a negative rippling effect on the ability of the US healthcare system to care for patients. Emergency department personnel and other resources are strained, leading to overcrowding and decreased quality of care. Health insurance and provider accessibility has been linked to the high rates of ED usage by adults age 18 – 64, with the highest rates seen in those under public health coverage, such as Medicaid, compared to those who were uninsured. To encourage primary care visits and discourage non-emergent ED usage, the United States health system includes patient education on the appropriate ED use, higher-copayment as financial disincentives, and encouragement of provider-patient relationships with Primary care providers (PCP). The public health clinics, including Federally Qualified Health Centers, provide patient education on the appropriate use of PCP versus ED resources, and offer extended office hours during evenings and weekends; trimming the rate of non-emergent ED visits can significantly reduce health care costs.
Contributors Marcus, Toyin (Author) / Ochieng, Dr. Judith (Author, Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-05-04
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Background: Only 40%-80% of health information is retained during an office visit due to ineffective communication. Caregivers, and patients, are unable to remember how to manage their health care needs. Teach back is an effective tool that encourages

Background: Only 40%-80% of health information is retained during an office visit due to ineffective communication. Caregivers, and patients, are unable to remember how to manage their health care needs. Teach back is an effective tool that encourages a conversation between the caregiver/patient and provider. The purpose of this project is to increase knowledge retention and self-management behaviors using a headache teach back tool.

Methods: The quality department at a large children’s hospital in the southwestern United States approved the project as a practice change and parent consent was not required. The project design was a randomized controlled group: pretest-posttest design, quality improvement method. Participants were chosen by convenience sample. Required diagnoses were headache or migraine. Each group had 18 participants, for a total of 36 participants. Ages ranged from four to 18 years of age, with legal guardians present for the intervention group only. New and follow-up patients were included in the project. Demographics for each group were statistically similar. Questionnaires were used to assess knowledge pre and post implementation of teach back tool. Self-management was measured by a follow-up phone call after their appointment to inquire regarding implementation of the headache diary. Charts were reviewed for both groups regarding the number and type of phone calls received by the office.

Outcomes: Paired sample t-test was used to evaluate mean differences in knowledge from pre and post questions of teach back tool. Data analysis concluded a statistical increase in knowledge of triggers and prevention techniques. Cohen’s d for triggers was 2.21 and 1.87 for prevention. Self-management of behavior was measured by use of headache diary and determined by a percentage. Sixty-seven individuals started to use the headache diary. Independent t-test was used to compare number of phone calls from each group. Data concluded a decrease in phone calls. However, due to a small sample size, statistical significance could not be established.

Conclusion: Teach back encourages caregiver/patient and provider interaction, which increases health literacy retention and increases self-management behaviors. Future research should focus on patients with headaches with unknown triggers for their headaches.
Contributors Two, Melissa A. (Author) / Sebbens,, Danielle (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-05-01
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The birth of a new baby is known to be a joyful time for families. However, such a treasured experience can quickly reroute in a matter of moments which leaves the family feeling helpless, frightened, and guilty. The

The birth of a new baby is known to be a joyful time for families. However, such a treasured experience can quickly reroute in a matter of moments which leaves the family feeling helpless, frightened, and guilty. The innate process of bonding and attachment is interrupted by the resuscitative course following a traumatic birth. Separation, grief, anger, and fear promote what’s being deemed more and more frequently as parental posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Rates of parental PTSD associated with separation at birth are equivalating those of post-partum depression and post-partum psychosis. Emotionally unstable parents are unable to adequately care for their newborn for both short and long term needs.

Facilitation and support of the parental role in an altered environment, such as a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), is thought to create opportunities for relationship security. Establishment of an emotionally invested caregiver has been proven to minimize sequelae of the NICU patient, reduce length of stay, cut readmission rates, and lower the incidence of failure to thrive post-discharge. A parental psychosocial program was instituted in a 32-bed NICU within a southwest children’s hospital. The program efficacy was analyzed several months after implementation. Results are concurrent with the thought that individual counseling for NICU families reduces stress scores and improves patient satisfaction at discharge.

Contributors Allen, Mhylee M. (Author) / LaBronte, Dr. Kim (Thesis advisor) / Newby, Dr. Joan (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-04-05
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Introduction and Background: Drowning is the leading cause of preventable injury death in Arizona for children under five years old. Tailored education has demonstrated efficacy in behavior change and knowledge retention. The purpose of this evidence-based project was

Introduction and Background: Drowning is the leading cause of preventable injury death in Arizona for children under five years old. Tailored education has demonstrated efficacy in behavior change and knowledge retention. The purpose of this evidence-based project was to evaluate if tailored education improved knowledge and self-reported behaviors related to pediatric drowning. The Elaboration Likelihood Model provided the framework for this project.

Methods/Experimental Approach: The prospective pilot project was conducted using the Iowa Model of Evidence Based Practice. Parents with children under five years, presenting with low acuity complaints in a pediatric emergency department were approached. A baseline assessment identified high-risk behaviors and a custom education plan was delivered to parents. Outcome variables were measured at baseline and three weeks after initial assessment.

Results: The average parent age was 29 (M = 28.5; SD = 6.35) years. Participant (n=29) responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Participants (n = 27, 93%) reported likelihood to change behaviors and 29 (100%) perceived the tailored intervention as relevant. Secondary outcome variables were not measured at three weeks due to a lack of survey response.

Conclusions: Parents reported a high likelihood of behavior change when water safety education was tailored and relevant to their child. The tailored intervention evoked positive interaction and receptivity from parents and suggested a high motivation to make a behavior change. The effect of the intervention could not be tested due to the lack of follow-up and post data collection. The design of this evidence-based project is quantifiable and replicable in a low-acuity setting, which allows for future evaluations of self-reported behavior change and knowledge improvement.

Funding: No sponsorship or financial conflict of interest.

Contributors Riggs, Jodi (Author) / Jacobson, Diana (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-05-01
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Introduction: Sleep disorders can go undiagnosed if a provider is not asking the right questions; they can be characterized by loud snoring with apneic episodes that never fully wake the person, difficulty falling asleep or daytime fatigue. Poor

Introduction: Sleep disorders can go undiagnosed if a provider is not asking the right questions; they can be characterized by loud snoring with apneic episodes that never fully wake the person, difficulty falling asleep or daytime fatigue. Poor sleep can affect activities of daily living, job performance and personal relationships. Poor sleep can be difficult to detect because some may consider it a symptom because of their lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to assess participants sleep quality and functional outcomes of poor sleep.

Methods: Primary care providers have an opportunity to screen for sleep disorders as part of the intake process during an office visit. The Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ), has been proposed as guide to determine if a sleep disorder is affecting quality of life. This descriptive study randomly recruited 20 participants from a community health center. A 10-question survey was given to individuals over the age of 18 who can write and speak English and either have a body mass index (BMI) over 30, hypertension (HTN) or diabetes type II (DMII). Demographic information evaluated included age, gender, HTN, DMII, BMI>30, marital status, sleeping alone, employment type, race, type of insurance, how many times do they wake up at night, the average number of hours slept per night and does the person work night shift.

Results: The study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive methodology; statistical analysis consisted of proportions, means and standard deviation to describe the study population. Participant age ranged from 33 to 72 years (M=50.1, SD= 11.32). Sixty percent were both female and married/living with partner. Despite being married/living with partner, 50% slept alone. A Mann-Whitney U test showed that there was a significant difference in four of the questions in the FOSQ-10 in which functional outcomes were not affected by being sleepy or tired.

Conclusion: The FOSQ-10 may serve a role in identifying patients who might benefit from a sleep study. The inclusion of a sleep disorder screening tool may increase the specificity and sensitivity of the intervention and the ability to yield data that will objectively measure disordered sleep.
Contributors Ingram, Sara (Author) / Halli Demeter, Susan (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-04-25
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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a well-established predictor for the development of type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) later in life. The incidence of GDM has been on the rise over the past 30 years and is the leading

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a well-established predictor for the development of type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) later in life. The incidence of GDM has been on the rise over the past 30 years and is the leading co-morbidity during pregnancy (Ferrara, 2007). Physical activity (PA) in combination with nutritional therapy has been shown to achieve glycemic control in women with GDM and is therefore first line therapy for management (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology [ACOG], 2017; Center for Disease Control and Prevent [CDC], 2018).

Recommendations for PA in pregnancy include 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days of the week (ACOG 2015; U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2018). Because of this, an innovative project was created to determine the feasibility of adding a walking plan into GDM care. Participants in the project received verbal and written instruction on an unsupervised structured walking plan set up for a beginner to gradually increase PA to the recommended time of 150 minutes per week for a total of four weeks. Eight women were interested, recruited, and enrolled in the project.

Results show that overall, participant PA increased. One hundred percent agreed that the walking plan was useful and increased their awareness about PA. The addition of a walking plan in GDM teaching is an effective strategy to lower serum blood glucose (SBG) levels and for meeting PA recommendations during pregnancy.

Contributors Whitney, Brittney (Author) / Santerre, Jennifer (Author, Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-04-29