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Low back pain is a worldwide health problem. Preoperative education is essential to provide patients with information across the continuum of care. Gaps exist among healthcare organizations regarding deficiencies in properly educating patients about their surgical experience. The

Low back pain is a worldwide health problem. Preoperative education is essential to provide patients with information across the continuum of care. Gaps exist among healthcare organizations regarding deficiencies in properly educating patients about their surgical experience. The lack of proper preoperative education can negatively impact reimbursement for healthcare systems, providers, and patient outcomes. In a large metropolitan tertiary care center providing spine surgery, an evidence-based project was implemented. A self-developed pre and post intervention surveys was given assessing patients’ knowledge and surgical expectations after surgery. A tri-fold education pamphlet was given to the participants with information that included detailed information regarding expectations before and after surgery.

Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample and outcome variable. An increase in knowledge in expectations after surgery was noted from pre-intervention (mean 1.83, SD .408) to post-intervention (mean 1.67, SD .816) with a Cohen’s D of 0.248 although this was not statistically significant. However, the change in average length of stay (LOS) was significant. The average LOS for the project participants dropped from 4.54 days to 2.833 days which is within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines of 2.92 days for this surgical population. In conclusion, an increased in patients’ knowledge regarding expectations following surgery and decreased LOS was seen for the project participants.

Contributors Trejo, Anna Janet (Author) / Baker, Laurie (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-05-03
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Type II Diabetes Mellitus has detrimental effects on the human body. A1C levels reflect the attachment of glucose to hemoglobin-the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Elevated A1C levels are an indicator of how controlled diabetes

Type II Diabetes Mellitus has detrimental effects on the human body. A1C levels reflect the attachment of glucose to hemoglobin-the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Elevated A1C levels are an indicator of how controlled diabetes is. Uncontrolled diabetes not only affects glucose levels, but has detrimental repercussions in other organs of the body, causing peripheral vascular disease, risk of developing dementia, periodontal or gum disease, skin infections, neuropathy in lower and upper extremities, renal damage, erectile dysfunction, decreased blood flow, and cardiac conditions among others.

A diet low in calories positively affects glucose levels in the body. Type II Diabetes can be easily controlled when lifestyle modifications are included in the plan of care. Among those modifications, diet is an effective intervention for the management of this condition.
Establishing a diet among the patients that have an elevated A1C is the plan of care and ultimate goal for this project. The Mediterranean diet has demonstrated decreased blood glucose levels, improved weight control and enhanced quality of life.

Contributors Burger, Ana Maria (Author) / Root, Lynda (Thesis advisor)
Created 2019-04-26
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As Baby Boomers age, the number of older homeless patients facing end of life is increasing. Homeless individuals die of the same diseases as their domiciled counterparts, but they have distinct barriers to equitable end-of-life care, such as

As Baby Boomers age, the number of older homeless patients facing end of life is increasing. Homeless individuals die of the same diseases as their domiciled counterparts, but they have distinct barriers to equitable end-of-life care, such as lack of regular medical care, a higher likelihood of comorbid serious mental illness and substance abuse, alienation from potential healthcare proxies, and specific fears related to dying. Completion of an advance directive (AD) would address many of these barriers, as well as national goals of reducing medical costs associated with end of life care. A review of the literature indicates that homeless individuals, once educated on the purpose and significance of ADs, complete them at a higher rate than non-homeless people. Further, racial and ethnic disparities in document completion are minimized with educational interventions about an AD’s purpose.

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment provides the theoretical basis for the application of such an intervention in the setting of a medical respite center and a day resource center that both serve the homeless. Thirty-seven clients of the two sites and 14 staff members were administered a pre-and post-test measuring attitudes and knowledge relating to ADs on a Likert scale, resulting in an increase in knowledge about one of the two documents that traditionally comprise an AD, while not significantly affecting attitudes. Implications for practice include an inexpensive intervention that does not require a medically trained individual to deliver, enabling a broad application to a variety of settings with the goal of empowering a traditionally disenfranchised population to make health decisions related to the most vulnerable of life passages.

Contributors Morrison, Melissa (Author) / Baker, Laurie (Thesis advisor)
Created 2016-05-07
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Aim: The purpose of this project was to determine if educating elementary school personnel would improve their knowledge and self-efficacy in caring for students with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and improve the health and educational outcomes of students with this

Aim: The purpose of this project was to determine if educating elementary school personnel would improve their knowledge and self-efficacy in caring for students with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and improve the health and educational outcomes of students with this disease.

Background: Evidence suggests that teachers play a big role in the management of students with chronic illnesses. However, current literature indicates that teachers lack basic knowledge about childhood chronic illnesses and how to manage students with chronic illnesses. Synthesis of evidence indicated that an online CF educational intervention would improve knowledge and self-efficacy among school personnel, thereby improving the health and educational outcomes of students with CF.

Methods: Elementary school personnel in Southern Arizona were asked to do an online pre-survey to evaluate knowledge and self-efficacy, view a short presentation on cystic fibrosis, and complete a post-survey. Parents of students with CF were asked to track 504 plan use and CF related absences. Frequencies were used to evaluate participant demographic data and survey data. The McNemar and Wilcoxon Signed Test were used to analyze survey data.

Results: Analysis showed a statistically significant improvement in perceived knowledge (p = .024) and self-efficacy scores (p = .034). Although survey scores showed an average score improvement between pre-survey and post-survey total scores (p = .212), it was not statistically significant.

Conclusion: Results showed an overall improvement in CF knowledge and self-efficacy among elementary school personnel. These results may provide an opportunity for CF healthcare providers and schools to promote the health and education of students with CF.

Contributors Ytuarte, Sofhia (Author) / Jacobson, Diana (Thesis advisor)
Created 2016-05-06
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Aim: To determine the change in provider’s compassion fatigue after implementing an education-based intervention in behavioral health.

Materials and Methods: A four-part education-based intervention for compassion fatigue was implemented over the course of 16 weeks. The Professional Quality of

Aim: To determine the change in provider’s compassion fatigue after implementing an education-based intervention in behavioral health.

Materials and Methods: A four-part education-based intervention for compassion fatigue was implemented over the course of 16 weeks. The Professional Quality of Life instrument was used to measure compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction.

Results: Although not statistically significant, mean compassion fatigue scores decreased in the sample.

Conclusion: Based on these results, further exploration into the causative factors of compassion fatigue in behavioral health are recommended.

Contributors Peeples, Elizabeth (Author)
Created 2017-04-29
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There is an increased risk of misdiagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
in preschoolers due to the lack of validated diagnostic tools and provider knowledge of normal behavior and development. The goal of this project was to standardize

There is an increased risk of misdiagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
in preschoolers due to the lack of validated diagnostic tools and provider knowledge of normal behavior and development. The goal of this project was to standardize the diagnostic process by adopting an evidence-based ADHD algorithm protocol for preschoolers (3-5 years). In an urban military pediatric clinic, five pediatric care clinicians were provided with an educational ADHD algorithm.

Pre/posttest surveys were used to assess provider knowledge and perceptions of care. Chart audits determined preschooler ADHD diagnosis prevalence pre- and post-implementation of the algorithm. The rate of ADHD diagnosis in preschoolers reduced significantly from 78.6% pre-audit to 22.6% post-audit. In addition, providers improved their accuracy in diagnosing alternative disorders and behaviors that mimic the symptomology of ADHD (Z=-2.0, p=0.046). The rate of misdiagnosis of ADHD in preschoolers decreased because of the use of an evidence-based ADHD algorithm.

Contributors Branch, Nancy (Author) / Jacobson, Diana (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-05-01
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Introduction: Despite depression affecting one of every ten adolescents, primary care providers struggle to detect depression in affected individuals. Unmanaged early onset adolescent mood disorders have an increased potential to result in suicide, the second leading cause of

Introduction: Despite depression affecting one of every ten adolescents, primary care providers struggle to detect depression in affected individuals. Unmanaged early onset adolescent mood disorders have an increased potential to result in suicide, the second leading cause of death in adolescents. Referring all patients with a positive depression screen to a mental health specialist creates treatment delay and burdens already limited community resources.

Objective: The objective of this primary care practice transformation was to improve pediatric primary care provider confidence and behavior to support and deliver evidence-based behavioral healthcare for adolescents with mild to moderate depression.

Methods: An evidence-based adolescent depression education program was delivered to pediatric primary care providers in a small community setting. The program’s components included measures to identify and manage mild to moderate depression. Outcome measures included: 1. Provider knowledge, beliefs, and confidence measured pre- and post-intervention; and 2. Electronic health record documentation of provider adherence to guideline recommendations one, two, and three months post-intervention.

Results: Four providers participated in the intervention. The mean total score for the provider beliefs and knowledge from a 5-point Likert scale demonstrated a positive increase after the intervention (14.75 vs. 23.25, p = .068). The mean total provider confidence score achieved near significance as well (12.25 vs. 21.75, p = .066). Resultant behavior change in the providers did not reach statistical significance when the electronic health records of all adolescent well visits over a three-month period were assessed. Screening for depression at adolescent well visits
Adolescent Depression 3 increased from 0% to 84-90% post-intervention. Setting treatment goals upon detection of depression increased from 0% to 41% (p = .089). Providers appropriately administered active support 67% of the time when a patient was identified with mild depressive symptomology post-intervention. Providers complied with guideline recommendations with identified cases of moderate and severe depression (n = 2).

Conclusions: Pediatric primary care providers demonstrated some positive behavioral changes towards integrating behavioral healthcare into their practice after an educational session on the guidelines for adolescent depression.

Contributors Huftalin, Tori (Author) / Jacobson, Diana (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-04-04
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Background: Healthy People 2020, a government organization that sets health goals for the United States, has established the benchmark objective of 70% influenza vaccination coverage. National trends show immunization rates are a dismal 41.7% for the adult population.

Background: Healthy People 2020, a government organization that sets health goals for the United States, has established the benchmark objective of 70% influenza vaccination coverage. National trends show immunization rates are a dismal 41.7% for the adult population. Persons
experiencing homelessness are a vulnerable population in which access to preventative health care services is lacking. Prevention of acute illness, whenever possible, is crucial to maintaining the health of this population. The purpose of this project is to increase influenza vaccinations through staff education at a homeless clinic.

Methods: Eighty-eight volunteer staff, at a student led homeless clinic, received education on the influenza vaccinations. The education occurred at the first orientation meeting of the fall semester in 2016 and consisted of; the importance of immunizations, goals of Healthy People 2020, and an emphasis on addressing patient objections. The effectiveness of the program
compared the percentage of patients immunized from August - December 2016 to 2015.

Results: Post intervention, 44% of the clinic patients were immunized against influenza,
compared to 18% (pre-intervention). This finding resulted in a statistically significant increase in
vaccinations (Z= -5.513, p= < .001, Wilcoxon signed rank test). Eighty-eight volunteers were
present at the influenza vaccination educational intervention and 82 returned their surveys
(response rate 93%). The average score of the posttest was 96% (range 70-100%).

Conclusions: These findings support staff education on influenza vaccinations as a strategy for
increasing vaccination in the homeless population. Such interventions provide promise to
increase influenza vaccinations, however, they fall short of meeting the goals of Healthy People
2020. Identifying innovative interventions is critical to meet the goals of Healthy People 2020.
Contributors Vossoughi, Tiffany (Author) / Harrell, Liz (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-04-17
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The number of children taking second-generation antipsychotics (SGA) is increasing. While SGAs produce fewer neurological side effects, the metabolic side effects of SGAs increase the risk for future cardiometabolic disease. In 2011, the American Academy of Child and

The number of children taking second-generation antipsychotics (SGA) is increasing. While SGAs produce fewer neurological side effects, the metabolic side effects of SGAs increase the risk for future cardiometabolic disease. In 2011, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry endorsed following guidelines established in 2004 recommending that people taking SGAs receive regular metabolic screening including waist circumference measurement, fasting blood glucose, and fasting lipids. Despite recommendations, studies have shown that children do not receive routine metabolic monitoring. Provider attitudes toward following guidelines can influence the rates of monitoring.

Research suggests that monitoring rates improve after psychiatric providers receive educational programs on SGA use and recommended guidelines. In response to these findings, an evidence-based educational intervention discussing SGA use in children and recommended metabolic monitoring was proposed to increase the rates of metabolic monitoring in a community-based psychiatric practice that treats children. While no results were statistically significant, the average attitude score of providers toward following guidelines was higher post-education and the proportion of providers who ordered screening tests post-education increased. To further improve metabolic monitoring, it is recommended that interventions designed to increase the subjective norms and perceived behavioral control of providers be implemented. The main limitations of this project were the small sample size and the use of self-reports to assess provider ordering of screening tests.

Contributors Tinkey, Janet (Author) / Guthery, Ann (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-21
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There is an increasing number of cancer patients outliving their diagnosis and treatment and requiring more support as they transition to cancer survivors. To bridge this gap, survivorship care plans should be provided to all cancer survivors to

There is an increasing number of cancer patients outliving their diagnosis and treatment and requiring more support as they transition to cancer survivors. To bridge this gap, survivorship care plans should be provided to all cancer survivors to provide post treatment plans of care, recommendations, and resources (Commission on Cancer, 2016). A quality improvement project was implemented in the urology practice of a National Cancer Institute-designated, academic hospital in Phoenix, Arizona to provide survivorship care plans to prostate cancer patients with surgical intervention as their cancer treatment.

Through interprofessional collaboration, the process change was designed and implemented with the residents and Physician Assistants of the urology practice. There was a 93% adherence rate in delivering the survivorship care plans during the project. The “Confidence in Survivorship Information” questionnaire was used to measure the patients’ confidence in survivorship information prior to and after receiving a survivorship care plan. A paired t-test showed statistical significance in improvement in confidence in the knowledge of long-term physical effects of cancer treatment, strategies for preventing and treating long-term physical effects, and resources available for family members who may be at risk. The project will continue in order to meet requirements for cancer programs established by the Commission on Cancer (Commission on Cancer, 2016).

Contributors Shirley, Brittany (Contributor) / Root, Lynda (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-23