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Purpose: Hispanics diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) have poorer health outcomes than non-Hispanic whites. Approximately one- half of all Hispanic DM patients utilize community health clinics for their DM needs. Evidence suggests that using a culturally-tailored

Purpose: Hispanics diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) have poorer health outcomes than non-Hispanic whites. Approximately one- half of all Hispanic DM patients utilize community health clinics for their DM needs. Evidence suggests that using a culturally-tailored approach to DM education can uniquely improve health outcomes in this population. The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) project was to improve glycemic control in a medically underserved Hispanic community through a culturally-tailored DM education program.

Methods: This quasi-experimental pre/post design project was guided by the ACE Star Model and Leininger’s Theory of Cultural Care. The affiliated University’s IRB approved this project. The Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) was implemented in a free, community clinic in a medically underserved area. Spanish speaking patients (n = 15) with A1C levels
> 8mg/dl were recruited to participate in a 6-week group educational program facilitated by community health workers. Outcomes included A1C levels, weight, and two surveys from the Michigan Diabetes Research Center - DM knowledge test and the DM empowerment scale.

Results: Paired sample t-tests were used to analyze the outcomes. The participants had an average pre-A1C of 8.82 mg/dl with post-A1C of 8.01 mg/dl (p = .028). Pre-knowledge test scores averaged 9.40 with post-test average of 12.07 (p < .001). Empowerment scores increased from 4.09 to 4.63 (p = .001). The reduction between the average pre-and post-weight measures were not statistically significant (p = .681).

Discussion: The implementation of a culturally-tailored DM educational program in a medically underserved community had a significant impact on reducing A1C levels, improving DM knowledge, and enhancing empowerment levels. Although the sample size was small and limited to one clinic, applying these programs can have a measurable clinical impact in the treatment of Hispanic DM patients. Future research can further exam how to duplicate this project on a larger scale and over a sustained period.
Contributors Brown, Fionnuala S. (Author) / Thrall, Charlotte (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-23
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Background and Purpose:
Depression in older adults is a significant problem that often goes undetected and untreated in primary care. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening adults for depression in primary care to increase detection, so it

Background and Purpose:
Depression in older adults is a significant problem that often goes undetected and untreated in primary care. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening adults for depression in primary care to increase detection, so it can be adequately managed. Despite this recommendation, screening rates in primary care are low. The purpose of this project was to implement a screening intervention and examine the effect of screening on the treatment of depression in older adults.

The screening intervention was implemented as an evidence-based project in a small primary care practice. Consenting adults ≥ 65 years of age were screened with the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Research indicates the PHQ-9 is valid and reliable for older adults. A post-screening chart audit was conducted to collect data and analyze the outcome of screening related to treatment.

A total of 38 participants were screened. Five (13.2%) participants had a positive screening, two received treatment during the follow up period. The number of participants who were treated after a positive screening was significant (p= .040).

Implications for Practice:
Screening can increase detection and treatment of depression and reduce the associated illness burden in the older adult population.

Contributors Riutta, Troy (Author) / Guthrey, Ann (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-21
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Maintaining good oral health during pregnancy is a significant contributor to healthy pregnancy outcomes. The physiological changes that happen during pregnancy can adversely affect women’s oral health and place her at risk for pregnancy outcomes such as miscarriage

Maintaining good oral health during pregnancy is a significant contributor to healthy pregnancy outcomes. The physiological changes that happen during pregnancy can adversely affect women’s oral health and place her at risk for pregnancy outcomes such as miscarriage and preeclampsia. The unborn child’s health can also be affected by premature birth and low birth weight. Although professional organizations have evidence-based practice guidelines for both prenatal and dental providers, the evidence shows a gap between recommendations and practice. An oral health promotion project for pregnant women was implemented in a federally qualified community health center where there was a lack of adherence to the guidelines.

The purpose of this project was to implement established oral health screening guidelines for pregnant women and to increase dental visits among pregnant women. For this project, a two-item maternal oral health-screening tool (MOS) for the prenatal providers was added into the electronic health record to standardize and document oral health screening for pregnant women at their first prenatal visit. After three months of implementation, there was a significant increase in maternal oral health screening and referral. This project may be replicated at any prenatal setting to improve oral health during pregnancy.

Contributors Philsy, Jaison (Author) / Link, Denise (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-24
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The purpose of this project is to look at the relationship between education about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and knowledge, attitudes and beliefs in adult primary care providers. The project addresses the transition challenges adults with ASD have

The purpose of this project is to look at the relationship between education about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and knowledge, attitudes and beliefs in adult primary care providers. The project addresses the transition challenges adults with ASD have in finding a primary care provider who is comfortable and competent with ASD. Education was provided to adult primary care providers in a multi-site primary care clinic in a large metropolitan city in the Southwestern United States. The Modified Knowledge/Attitudes/Belief instrument was used. A pre-test was administered prior to the education session, then a post-test and a one-month post-test were given afterward.

The results of the education program showed that attitudes and beliefs increased after the education and continued to increase more in the month following. Knowledge improved after the education session but declined after a month although scores were not back to the pre-education level. Primary care providers who receive education about ASD may be more comfortable in caring for this population and more likely to welcome adults with ASD into their practice. Education for primary care providers is key to improving health outcomes for adults with ASD.

Contributors Chesebrough, Geri Anne (Author) / Mangold, Kara (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-30
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Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at increased risk for psychosocial issues (PSI), decreased quality of life (QOL), and decreased resilience. The purpose of this project was to implement a screening protocol for PSI, QOL, and resilience,

Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at increased risk for psychosocial issues (PSI), decreased quality of life (QOL), and decreased resilience. The purpose of this project was to implement a screening protocol for PSI, QOL, and resilience, with appropriate psychosocial referral for children with CHD.

A pilot protocol was implemented to screen children with CHD, aged 8-17 years, and parents, for resilience, QOL, and PSI. Referrals for psychosocial services were made for 84.2% of children screened (n = 16) based on scoring outcomes. Statistically significant differences in the parents and children’s resilience mean scores were noted. Higher parental scores may indicate that parents believe their children are more resilient than the children perceive themselves to be.
Early identification of concerns regarding QOL, resilience, and PSI in children with CHD can provide ongoing surveillance, while affording opportunities for improved communication between providers, parents, and children. Routine screening and longitudinal follow-up is recommended.

Contributors Bonowski, Kelley (Author) / Jacobson, Diana (Thesis advisor) / Zangwill, Steven (Thesis advisor) / Espinoza, Jennifer (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-30
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Interprofessional collaboration (IP) is an approach used by healthcare organizations to improve the quality of care. Studies examining effects of IP with patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have shown improvement in A1C, blood pressure, lipids, self-efficacy

Interprofessional collaboration (IP) is an approach used by healthcare organizations to improve the quality of care. Studies examining effects of IP with patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have shown improvement in A1C, blood pressure, lipids, self-efficacy and overall greater knowledge of disease process and management. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the impact of IP with attention to identifying and addressing social needs of patients with T2DM. Participants at least 18 years of age with an A1C >6.5% were identified; Spanish speaking patients were included in this project. The intervention included administration of Health Leads questionnaire to assess social needs. Monthly in person or phone meetings were conducted during a 3-month period.

The patient had the option to meet with the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) student as well as other members of the team including the clinical pharmacist and social work intern. Baseline A1C levels were extracted from chart at 1st monthly meeting. Post A1C levels were drawn at the 3 month follow up with their primary care provider. Study outcomes include the difference in A1C goal attainment, mean A1C and patient satisfaction. Pre A1C levels in participants ranged from 7.1% to 9.8% with a mean of 8.3%. Post A1C levels ranged from 6.9% to 8.6% with a mean of 7.7%. Two cases were excluded as they did not respond to the intervention. A paired-samples t test was calculated to compare the mean pre A1C level to the post A1C level. The mean pre A1C level was 8.24 (sd .879), and the post A1C level was 7.69 (sd .631). A significant decrease from pre to post A1C levels was found (t (6) = 2.82, p<.05).

The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise, as are the costs. This nation’s healthcare system must promote interprofessional collaboration and do a better job of addressing SDOH to more effectively engage patients in the management of their disease.

Contributors Torres, Julia Patricia (Author) / Moffett, Carol (Thesis advisor)
Created 2018-04-27
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Purpose: The purpose of health literacy education is to increase an individual’s understanding of health and use of the healthcare system. Low health literacy is associated with misuse of healthcare resources and misunderstanding of healthcare teaching. Education has

Purpose: The purpose of health literacy education is to increase an individual’s understanding of health and use of the healthcare system. Low health literacy is associated with misuse of healthcare resources and misunderstanding of healthcare teaching. Education has demonstrated efficacy in improving health literacy. A personalized educational program was provided to parents of Head Start children, offered in Spanish and English, and at a 3rd to 5th education level.

Design: Using an established program for health literacy education, a Doctor of Nursing Practice project was implemented. The effect the program had on increasing the health literacy of participants over a period of 4 weeks was examined. The predominately, Latina participants received three hours of instruction based upon the health literacy book “What to do When Your Child Gets Sick”.

Setting and Subjects: The educational program took place in a large, urban county in the Southwestern United States with 24 parents of preschool age children in Head Start.

Intervention: The educational program contained three hours of classroom instruction utilizing PowerPoint® presentation, demonstration, and teach-back techniques on how to care for a child’s healthcare needs.

Measures and Analysis: Pre-, post- and telephone surveys were used to assess the impact of the health literacy educational program. Wilcoxon and Freidman tests were used to interpret the results.

Results: Despite no significant increases in health literacy post implementation, participants’ remarked that they felt the class was helpful and wanted to share the information with friends and family. They appreciated the program and wanted more educational opportunities.

Conclusion: Advanced practice nurses must acquire understanding, cultural sensitivity, and assess the needs of the community when implementing health literacy educational projects.
Contributors Vasquez, Damara (Author) / Jacobson, Diana (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-05-02
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Rural healthcare leaders are increasingly tasked with the responsibility of providing health access to 21% of the national population with only 10% of the provider workforce (Sonenberg, Knepper, & Pulcini, 2015). Provider recruitment strategies offering loan repayment have

Rural healthcare leaders are increasingly tasked with the responsibility of providing health access to 21% of the national population with only 10% of the provider workforce (Sonenberg, Knepper, & Pulcini, 2015). Provider recruitment strategies offering loan repayment have had some success in the short term, but are less impactful at creating a long-term retention rate, unless the providers have an existing connection to either the community in which they are working or rural healthcare (Renner et al., 2010).

Responding to this data, a demonstration project has been created in Colorado to test a rural focused “grow your own” advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) model. This model is designed to recruit RNs from inside rural communities to return to school and become primary care providers within those communities upon graduation. The project offers stipend support with assistance in the school application process, educational support, clinical and job placement assistance, and monthly coaching. Additionally, communities are asked to provide matching funds to support the APRN students with a goal of creating a self-sustaining model that will build a continuous pipeline of APRN providers. This strategy avoids the costly need to recruit and relocate providers who have no ties to the community.

The initial response from rural nurses and communities around the state has been overwhelmingly successful. This success suggests that this model could serve as a new and sustainable strategy for building a rural APRN provider workforce pipeline while ensuring access to a primary care health provider for all people living in rural areas.

Contributors Johnson, Ingrid M. (Author) / Porter-O'Grady, Tim (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-05-01
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Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews of paired education involving both diet and activity recommendations have shown significant reductions in the advancement of adult (age 18 to 80) prediabetes to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Paired education on

Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews of paired education involving both diet and activity recommendations have shown significant reductions in the advancement of adult (age 18 to 80) prediabetes to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Paired education on diet and activity has been effective for persons from diverse races, ethnicities, and levels of education. For this project, the paired education focused on the dietary guidance of the Whole 30 plan and the current exercise/activity recommendations of the American Diabetes Association (ADA). The ADA recommends 30 min 5 x week or 60 min 3 x week of exercise, with no more than 48 hours between exercise occurrences.

Ten adults with HbA1C between 5.7%-6.4%, levels specified by the ADA as prediabetes, were invited to participate in the project at an outpatient wellness practice. Participants took a pretest on basic food and activity knowledge, received educational sessions on the Whole 30™ plan and activity recommendations from the ADA, then completed a posttest. Participants were scheduled for one month follow ups. At the 3 month follow up appointment, repeat HbA1C was drawn. Most of the patients (7/10) completed return appointments at the 3-month time frame. Statistically significant results were seen in diet and exercise knowledge using a paired T-test. Clinically significant reductions were seen in HbA1C averages as well as weight, BMI, and glucose levels.

Contributors Smith Jr., James E. (Author) / Hagler, Debra (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-04-30
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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester of
pregnancy that is not clearly overt diabetes, has become more common as the rates of obesity in women of childbearing age have increased. Undiagnosed, uncontrolled diabetes

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester of
pregnancy that is not clearly overt diabetes, has become more common as the rates of obesity in women of childbearing age have increased. Undiagnosed, uncontrolled diabetes in pregnancy can lead to maternal and infant health comorbidities as well as have adverse long-term effects for mother or baby. Although routine screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) occurs between 24 and 28 weeks gestation, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends screening earlier in pregnancy for women at risk for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Risk factors include previous history of GDM, known impaired glucose metabolism, or obesity (BMI > 30).

The purpose of this project is to implement the clinical practice guideline for early maternal glucose screening during pregnancy in women with risk factors through the integration of a clinical decision support (CDS) tool in an electronic health record (EHR). CDS tools can be utilized as a point of care strategy to remind providers of the clinical practice guidelines and to assist providers in decision-making related to screening. Participating providers (n=18) utilized the CDS tool during the initial obstetrical visit for at risk women without a pre-pregnancy diabetes diagnosis and entering prenatal care prior to 24 weeks. The impact of
implantation of the CDS tool shows that an increase in screening was statistically significant (p<.001).

Contributors Santo, Shannon (Author) / Ilchak, Debra (Thesis advisor) / Allen, Jennifer (Thesis advisor)
Created 2017-05-01