Narrative and Communication of Science: Effective Science Through Polymathy

The process of communicating science between the general public and scientific community has been marked by several challenges in the modern setting. Namely, scientists’ trepidation toward misinterpretation, jeopardization of professional reputability, and perception of two distinct arenas of communication has

The process of communicating science between the general public and scientific community has been marked by several challenges in the modern setting. Namely, scientists’ trepidation toward misinterpretation, jeopardization of professional reputability, and perception of two distinct arenas of communication has led to the perpetuation of the deficit model of communication. This model is exceptionally limiting as it effectively removes the scientists from the public sphere and can have devastating societal repercussions. The dialogue model of communication is a much more effective communicative model for the modern setting but has been met with resistance in its adoption. As communication as a whole is grounded in multiple foundational disciplines of psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and other fields, it would be apparent that the adoption of the principles of polymathy would serve to better prepare scientists to engage in mass communication with the public. As polymathy is a lifelong pursuit, the implementation of narrative training into collegiate undergraduate science curriculum would serve as a particularly potent beginning. That is, narrative's ability to reach near-universal audiences, enhance the recall and comprehension of complex subject matter, and forge an empathetic connection essential to effective communication is uniquely suited in ensuring a more effective communicative dynamic between the scientific community and the general public. As such, this thesis serves to advocate the adoption of narrative-based communicative training into undergraduate science curriculum not as separate courses, but rather as direct incorporation. This would serve to both revitalize polymathy in the modern age and prepare the next generation of scientists to be better equipped for the public dialogue.


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Date Created
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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 55 pages