Animal testing is a social issue often forgotten because it does not directly affect the individual on a daily basis. I believe animal testing is an important issue to combat because these animals cannot speak for themselves. I focused the entirety of my senior year on creating projects within the Visual Communication Design program centered around animal testing. I felt it would be powerful to approach animal testing through visual communication design because it allows for the audience to digest the issue in a well-designed fashion, while also being informative. In the Fall of 2019 I designed and constructed a fully functional clock that highlighted the unaccounted for animal lives lost due to animal testing, specifically within the United States. In the Spring of 2020 I completed a virtual exhibit space advocating for individuals to switch to a cruelty-free lifestyle through the products they employ in their daily lives. This exhibit space was originally meant to be built and displayed in person, but due to COVID-19 this was unable to happen. Instead, I was able to work through this setback and construct an augmented reality exhibit. To view this and a process book of creating this virtual exhibit space, visit Finally, I created a book to document the work I created within my senior year with an additional section dedicated to the social issue of animal testing. It is my hope that through my designs and throughout my life that I can be a voice for these animals and work to fight for the end of animal testing.
- Padua, Riley Sinclaire (Author)
- Sanft, Alfred (Thesis director)
- Heywood, William (Committee member)
- The Design School (Contributor)
- Department of Marketing (Contributor)
- Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor)
Date Created
The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
Topical Subject
Resource Type
- eng
Additional Information
- Academic Year 2019-2020
- 39 pages