Code Red: the Oral Health Access Crisis at Home

The maintenance of proper oral health has been shown to be an integral facet of overall well-being, with relationships studied between the progression of life-threatening diseases and improper oral care. Heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis are some of the

The maintenance of proper oral health has been shown to be an integral facet of overall well-being, with relationships studied between the progression of life-threatening diseases and improper oral care. Heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis are some of the most common types of diseases that can progress as a result of oral negligence, particularly within the United States, where there is a lack of a universal health care system that encompasses dental care. In addition to the lack of proper access to quality oral care, a lack of adequate education surrounding oral care has been found to be present, particularly in rural and suburban areas in the United States. Project Tooth Fairy, a non-profit volunteer program, was established in order to delve deeper into these issues. This review aims to educate on the correlations between severe disease progression and oral health, as well as to acknowledge the importance of keeping a healthy mouth in regards to overall well-being, through a synthesis of Project Tooth Fairy’s findings.


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Date Created
Topical Subject
Resource Type
  • eng

Additional Information

  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 28 pages