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Collaborative Video Viewing (CVV) transforms passive video-based learning into an engaging, active process. While collaborative modes have different affordances that could potentially influence knowledge co-construction, no study has directly assessed the impact of collaborative modes in CVV activities. Therefore, this

Collaborative Video Viewing (CVV) transforms passive video-based learning into an engaging, active process. While collaborative modes have different affordances that could potentially influence knowledge co-construction, no study has directly assessed the impact of collaborative modes in CVV activities. Therefore, this current study seeks to investigate how collaborative modes influence learning outcomes, learning engagement, group interaction and the co-construction process.The study utilized a within-subject, counterbalanced experimental design, in which each participating undergraduate student was paired in dyads. These dyads were assigned to engage in two separate CVV sessions: one using synchronous voice-based collaborative mode (SV) and the other using asynchronous text-based collaborative mode (AT). After each session, participants completed a test consisting of retention and application questions. ANCOVA was utilized to analyze the test scores. To ascertain if the different scores were a result of varying levels of learning engagement, dyad discussions were coded using ICAP coding (Chi & Wylie, 2014). Furthermore, to delve deeper into the group interaction mechanism in SV and AT, a codebook was developed to analyze the discourse that occurred during dyad interaction. Sequential analysis and thematic narrative analysis were employed to visualize interaction patterns and the co-construction process. The findings indicated that, generally, SV dyads performed better on application scores and have significantly higher interactive learning engagement than AT dyads. In line with ICAP predictions, the higher-score groups in both SV and AT engaged in more generative processes, leading to more constructive and interactive comments than lower-scoring groups. In terms of group interaction, both SV and AT primarily use descriptive discourse for co-explanation. However, the SV groups exclusively introduce discourse expressing uncertainty, which subsequently leads to group negotiation. The study identified distinct knowledge co-construction phases, including (a) co-explanation, (b) negotiation, and (c) application. Although the co-explanation phase is the most frequent in all dyad scores in both SV and AT, the negotiation phase appears to differentiate low-high score dyads from high-high score dyads. These findings hold research implications for understanding learning engagement and group interaction in various online collaborative modes, as well as for the instructional design of active video-based learning through collaborative video viewing.
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    • Online Collaborative Video Viewing (CVV): The Impact of Collaborative Modes in Active Video-based Learning
    Date Created
    Resource Type
  • Text
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    • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
    • Field of study: Educational Technology

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