
In the United States gambling regulations have been loosening considerably over the past several years. Many states have legalized sports betting either at physical locations or through mobile apps. With the legalizations have come an influx of marketing efforts by

In the United States gambling regulations have been loosening considerably over the past several years. Many states have legalized sports betting either at physical locations or through mobile apps. With the legalizations have come an influx of marketing efforts by all the large gambling companies. These marketing efforts raise serious ethical and legal questions, as groups of vulnerable people such as minors are being frequently exposed to sports betting and other online gaming. The sports gambling industry was worth 76.75 billion dollars in 2021 and is rapidly growing with a growth rate of 10% year over year (Grand View Research). Given how lucrative sports betting has been even in its relative infancy the major players in the field are attacking potential markets fiercely, flooding TV, websites, and social media with advertisements. Every major sports league has been quick to partner with the large sports betting corporations and air numerous advertisements during every nationally televised game. Mainstream exposure such as this is what makes these tactics so controversial. While these advertisements may not be as clearly problematic as previously outlawed tactics which preyed on the young and vulnerable in the alcohol and tobacco industry, they share many of the same troubling elements. For these reasons we find it important to examine the effects of current marketing practices used within the gambling industry. It is critical to begin these examinations now as every day that passes potentially harmful practices become increasingly commonplace and would be tougher to reverse or alter.

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    • Examination on the Impact of Sports Gambling Marketing
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