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Simulations can be used to help formulate and solve complex problems. Toward this goal, the Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation (ACIMS) is a research laboratory at Arizona State University that creates powerful tools for simulating complex systems. Their

Simulations can be used to help formulate and solve complex problems. Toward this goal, the Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation (ACIMS) is a research laboratory at Arizona State University that creates powerful tools for simulating complex systems. Their flagship simulator, DEVS-Suite, allows users to create models that can be simulated. The latest version of this simulator supports storing data in Postgres, a relational database that is well suited for storing millions of data points. However, though DEVS-Suite supports real-time visualizations, the simulator does not support the manipulation and visualization of the data stored in the database. As simulations become more complex, users benefit from visualizing time-based trajectories. User-defined data visualization can help gain new insight into generated simulated data.
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    • Transforming Simulation Data in Repository to Visual Time Trajectories
    Date Created
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