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In the United States, the word "earthquake" is extensively used. This natural disaster has a year-round impact on numerous states across the country. Earthquakes are simply more than a natural calamity; they also have a negative psychological impact. Earthquake safety

In the United States, the word "earthquake" is extensively used. This natural disaster has a year-round impact on numerous states across the country. Earthquakes are simply more than a natural calamity; they also have a negative psychological impact. Earthquake safety measures are essential for ensuring citizens' safety. This paper proposes, a technique for evaluating earthquake safety activities and instructing individuals in selecting appropriate precautions. Earthquake protection using Reach.love plus Amazon Alexa is special in that it uses cutting-edge virtual reality technology. The platform developed by Reach.love takes earthquake prevention to a new and innovative direction. The feeling of presence in a VR headset linked within Reach.love, allows the user to feel that an earthquake is occurring right now. Additionally, each location includes audio instructions that explain what to do in specific scenarios. The user can practice and mentally train to respond appropriately when a real earthquake happens, comparable to a 3D drill. Finally, the user will be able to utilize Amazon Alexa for help within the rooms in Reach.love to improve the experience of earthquake safety training. For example, if the user speaks to Alexa during the simulation and says, "Alexa, turn off the audio instructions," Alexa will do so, and the user will no longer hear them. Alexa would be the user's personal assistant during the training of earthquake protection.

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    • Earthquake Protection Using the Technology of Reach.love + Amazon Alexa
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