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SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a powerful data analytics tool that can enhance a company’s online platform. The goal of SEO is to utilize Google’s algorithm in order to have your website ranked #1 on the SERP

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a powerful data analytics tool that can enhance a company’s online platform. The goal of SEO is to utilize Google’s algorithm in order to have your website ranked #1 on the SERP (search engine results page). This will increase user traffic to your site because more users will click on your page. My eyes were first opened to the SEO industry during my internship at Clutch where we used a balance of intercept and intent traffic to capture a large target audience in order to convert them into paying customers. Even though SEO is a newer strategy, it has a higher return on investment than typical paid advertisements. With this, smaller companies can learn SEO and outsmart the bigger companies, while using a smaller marketing budget.
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    • A Study of How the Implementation of Search Engine Optimization Increases User Traffic
    Date Created
    Resource Type
  • Text
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