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2D materials with reduced symmetry have gained great interest in the past decade due to the arising quantum properties introduced by the structural asymmetry. A particular example is called 2D Janus materials. Named after Roman god Janus with two faces,

2D materials with reduced symmetry have gained great interest in the past decade due to the arising quantum properties introduced by the structural asymmetry. A particular example is called 2D Janus materials. Named after Roman god Janus with two faces, Janus materials have different chemical compositions on the two sides of materials, leading to a structure with broken mirror symmetry. Electronegativity difference of the facial elements induces a built-in polarization field pointing out of the plane, which has driven a lot of theory predictions on Rashba splitting, high- temperature ferromagnetism, Skyrmion formation, and so on. Previously reported experimental synthesis of Janus 2D materials relies on high-temperature processing, which limits the crystallinity of as produced 2D layers. In this dissertation, I present a room temperature selective epitaxial atomic re- placement (SEAR) method to convert CVD-grown transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) into a Janus structure. Chemically reactive H2 plasma is used to selectively etch off the top layer of chalcogen atoms and the introduction of replacement chalco- gen source in-situ allows for the achievement of Janus structures in one step at room temperature. It is confirmed that the produced Janus monolayers possess high crys- tallinity and good excitonic properties. Moving forward, I show the fabrication of lateral and vertical heterostructures of Janus materials, which are predicted to show exotic properties because of the intrinsic polarization field. To efficiently screen other kinds of interesting Janus structures, a new plasma chamber is designed to allow in-situ optical measurement on the target monolayer during the SEAR process. Successful conversion is seen on mechanically exfoliated MoSe2 and WSe2, and insights into reaction kinetics are gain from Raman spectra evolution. Using the monitoring ability, Janus SNbSe is synthesized for the first time. It’s also demonstrated that the overall crystallinity of as produced Janus monolayer SWSe and SMoSe are correlated with the source of monolayer TMDs. Overall, the synthesis of the Janus monolayers using the described method paves the way to the production of highly crystalline Janus materials, and with the in-situ monitoring ability, a deeper understanding of the mechanism is reached. This will accelerate future exploration of other Janus materials synthesis, and confirmation and discovery of their exciting quantum properties.
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    • Synthesis of Monolayer Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
    Date Created
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    • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2021
    • Field of study: Materials Science and Engineering

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