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Dr. SoonAe Kim was one of the first Korean female composers to contribute substantial works for kagok, or the Korean art song. In 1920, the year she was born, Korean society was undergoing critical changes throughout the nation as a

Dr. SoonAe Kim was one of the first Korean female composers to contribute substantial works for kagok, or the Korean art song. In 1920, the year she was born, Korean society was undergoing critical changes throughout the nation as a result of wars, colonization, and political upheaval. Due to these circumstances, Dr. Kim had to deal with multiple unexpected events like most Korean people had during the period. The experiences she faced tremendously influenced her musical identity and composition. This paper will examine three significant factors, such as Christianity, the Korean War, and kagok (Korean Art Song), that affected Dr. Kim’s professional musical identity and composition. Christianity helped her to affirm her independent and brave identity as a female composer and Christian hymn gave numerous inspiration to her music. The Korean War gave her the strength and ability to overcome extreme hardship. It also gave her deep empathy for Korean people and their experiences, which affected the atmosphere in her music. Lastly, kagok, the art form for which she received her greatest enthusiasm, became her main power for encouraging Korean people’s spirits to recover a peaceful and stable life. SoonAe Kim dealt with her despairs bravely throughout her entire life and successfully overcame them with her music and became an irreplaceable figure in Korean Western-music history. I heartily believe it is essential to study her musical identity and unique compositional style, especially in kagok, to appreciate SoonAe Kim’s importance as a significant female musician. This document will also serve as a performance guide for non-Korean singers and musicians who want to perform Korean art songs yet are hindered by the language and cultural barrier. This performance guide includes the International Phonetic Alphabet for the Korean language, companion pronunciation recordings, and a brief musical analysis. The performance guide will encourage better access and performances of Korean art songs by foreign artists and singers who are not familiar with the Korean language and bring kagok and SoonAe Kim into the universal art song canon.
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    • The Professional Musical Identity of SoonAe Kim: A Musicological Study of Influential Factors with a Performance Guide for Three Korean Art Songs
    Date Created
    Resource Type
  • Text
  • Collections this item is in
    • Partial requirement for: D.M.A., Arizona State University, 2021
    • Field of study: Music

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