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Robot motion planning requires computing a sequence of waypoints from an initial configuration of the robot to the goal configuration. Solving a motion planning problem optimally is proven to be NP-Complete. Sampling-based motion planners efficiently compute an approximation of the

Robot motion planning requires computing a sequence of waypoints from an initial configuration of the robot to the goal configuration. Solving a motion planning problem optimally is proven to be NP-Complete. Sampling-based motion planners efficiently compute an approximation of the optimal solution. They sample the configuration space uniformly and hence fail to sample regions of the environment that have narrow passages or pinch points. These critical regions are analogous to landmarks from planning literature as the robot is required to pass through them to reach the goal.

This work proposes a deep learning approach that identifies critical regions in the environment and learns a sampling distribution to effectively sample them in high dimensional configuration spaces.

A classification-based approach is used to learn the distributions. The robot degrees of freedom (DOF) limits are binned and a distribution is generated from sampling motion plan solutions. Conditional information like goal configuration and robot location encoded in the network inputs showcase the network learning to bias the identified critical regions towards the goal configuration. Empirical evaluations are performed against the state of the art sampling-based motion planners on a variety of tasks requiring the robot to pass through critical regions. An empirical analysis of robotic systems with three to eight degrees of freedom indicates that this approach effectively improves planning performance.

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  • Learning High-Dimensional Critical Regions for Efficient Robot Planning
Date Created
Resource Type
  • Text
  • Collections this item is in
    • Masters Thesis Computer Science 2020

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