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Over the past several decades, the incarceration rates have continued to rise in the United States with seemingly no end in sight. Many of the prisons within America are experiencing major overcrowding of incarcerated persons in addition to an ever

Over the past several decades, the incarceration rates have continued to rise in the United States with seemingly no end in sight. Many of the prisons within America are experiencing major overcrowding of incarcerated persons in addition to an ever expanding budget that seems impossible to adhere to. Qualitative and quantitative studies conclude that preventative and post release programs reduce crime rates and recidivism which saves taxpayer dollars. This paper addresses how much prisons cost, why this is important to the taxpayer, and possible solutions to make the penal system more efficient.

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  • The Cost of Prison on the Average American Taxpayer: Solutions to Make the Penal System More Efficient
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  • Text
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