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The majority of drones are extremely simple, their functions include flight and sometimes recording video and audio. While drone technology has continued to improve these functions, particularly flight, additional functions have not been added to mainstream drones. Although these basic

The majority of drones are extremely simple, their functions include flight and sometimes recording video and audio. While drone technology has continued to improve these functions, particularly flight, additional functions have not been added to mainstream drones. Although these basic functions serve as a good framework for drone designs, it is now time to extend off from this framework. With this Honors Thesis project, we introduce a new function intended to eventually become common to drones. This feature is a grasping mechanism that is capable of perching on branches and carrying loads within the weight limit. This concept stems from the natural behavior of many kinds of insects. It paves the way for drones to further imitate the natural design of flying creatures. Additionally, it serves to advocate for dynamic drone frames, or morphing drone frames, to become more common practice in drone designs.

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  • Design of a Cable Driven Drone for Perching
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  • Text
  • Machine-readable links