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MeetPoint is a project derived from Computer Science with a focus upon applications to mobile. The application is created to provide users with the ability to meet up with certain individuals to accomplish a specific task, in this case studying.

MeetPoint is a project derived from Computer Science with a focus upon applications to mobile. The application is created to provide users with the ability to meet up with certain individuals to accomplish a specific task, in this case studying. The project idea came from the creator wanting to meet up with a friend in order to converse about an upcoming exam. The creator knew where the person lived, but could not easily come up with a location for the two to meet that would be a reasonable distance from both of them. Hence came the idea for a mobile application to complete those actions for the user. The project focuses upon implementation in a school setting in which the meetings would actually take place. For means of this project, the locations were fixed to on campus at Arizona State University. The committee felt that this would scope the project correctly for its two-semester creation while still demonstrating how to fulfill the task at hand. Android is the operating system of choice for the mobile application due to it being Java, which was the most familiar language to the student. MeetPoint provides users with an easy to navigate and familiar front-end while harnessing the power of a database in the back-end. The application hides the intricacies of the back-end from the user in order to better provide a comfortable user experience. A lot of the project was designed around providing a comfortable user experience by keeping the application familiar to the user in that it maintains similarities with other popular mobile applications.

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Barrett Honors College theses and creative projects are restricted to ASU community members.


  • MeetPoint: Study Group Organizer for Android
Date Created
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  • Text
  • Machine-readable links