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We study an idealized model of a wind-driven ocean, namely a 2-D lid-driven cavity with a linear temperature gradient along the side walls and constant hot and cold temperatures on the top and bottom boundaries respectively. In particular, we determine

We study an idealized model of a wind-driven ocean, namely a 2-D lid-driven cavity with a linear temperature gradient along the side walls and constant hot and cold temperatures on the top and bottom boundaries respectively. In particular, we determine numerically the response on flow field and temperature stratification associated with the velocity of the lid driven by harmonic forcing using the Navier-Stokes equations with Boussinesq approximation in an attempt to gain an understanding of how variations of external forces (such as the wind over the ocean) transfer energy to a system by exciting internal modes through resonances. The time variation of the forcing, accounting for turbulence at the boundary is critical for allowing penetration of energy waves through the stratified medium in which the angles of the internal waves depend on these perturbation frequencies. Determining the results of the interaction of two 45 degree angle wave beams at the center of the cavity is of particular interest.

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  • Two-Dimensional Stratified Cavity Flow Under Harmonic Forcing
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