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Having the proper biomechanical and neuromuscular kinematics while performing an athletic motion is essential for athletes. Deviations from proper form in execution of the kinetic chain of an athletic movement may result in suboptimal performance and oftentimes an elevated likelihood

Having the proper biomechanical and neuromuscular kinematics while performing an athletic motion is essential for athletes. Deviations from proper form in execution of the kinetic chain of an athletic movement may result in suboptimal performance and oftentimes an elevated likelihood of injury. The solutions currently available to athletes to account for digression from proper form are limited to sight and feel analysis of movement by the athletes and coaches and basic medical and athletic analysis equipment that is unsuitable for real-time analysis, the rigor and speed of dynamic athletic motions, and in-field use. The solution proposed herein is one of an in-shoe force measurement and foot positioning system designed to measure the ground reaction force generated by and alignment of an athlete's feet during an athletic motion. Research into various sports has found that the feet play a foundational role in proper execution of the kinetic chain, wherein the alignment, positioning, force generation, and timing of the feet may dictate proper execution of subsequent segments in the kinetic chain. The goal of the present design is to provide athletes with a solution to allow for real-time kinematic analysis of athletic motions using an in-shoe force measurement and foot positioning system. An understanding into the compensatory effect of foot misalignment, mismatched timing, and under or overcompensated ground reaction force generation by the feet on ensuing segments of the kinetic chain in conjunction with the present design can allow for athletes to measure and determine their degree of accuracy in form execution and to predict potential injuries resulting from deviations in form. Our design of an athletic shoe comprising an in-shoe force measurement system provides a dynamic solution to sports-related injuries presently unavailable to athletes.

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  • The Applicability of an Athletic Shoe Comprising an In-Shoe Force Measurement System
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