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This documentary shows how what we eat affects our planet. Meat and dairy consumption is the number one pollutant to the environment and yet it is often not discussed among environmentalists. There is so much devastation taking place on our

This documentary shows how what we eat affects our planet. Meat and dairy consumption is the number one pollutant to the environment and yet it is often not discussed among environmentalists. There is so much devastation taking place on our planet due the animal agriculture industry: air pollution, and water contamination, destruction of the the Amazon rainforests. Natural resources, such as water - it takes one thousand gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk - are being over consumed. Land is being cleared of trees at a massive scale in the Amazon to make more room for land to raise livestock and grow its feed. Following the stories and experiences of several ASU students and other community members, the documentary highlights this connection between food and its effects on the environment and what people can do to make a difference.

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  • Food Sustainability: an Agricultural, Ethical, and Millennial Perspective through Film
Date Created
Resource Type
  • Text
  • Machine-readable links