My project has been a long journey, one that I have learned a tremendous amount on. The final version of my project has come out to be a booklet teaching first time users of code and python the basic steps

My project has been a long journey, one that I have learned a tremendous amount on. The final version of my project has come out to be a booklet teaching first time users of code and python the basic steps of getting started and some vital information that I learned while I was learning the language. I started my thesis with the idea of creating a portfolio of stock, bonds and commodities to determine the best allocation of your money over a 30-year period. To do this, I needed to learn how to code and become proficient quickly so I could create a program that would be powerful enough as well as spit out the correct output in the end. Unfortunately, I fell short of being able to build this portfolio out. I took on the challenge of learning Python on my own with no knowledge of any coding language to see if I could pull the whole project together. I failed, but I learned so much along the way and that I think is more valuable than anything. Since I was unable to complete my code, I shifted my attention to creating a small booklet on the basics of getting started in Python as if you have never looked at a coding language. Many of the tips I discuss in my booklet are problems I struggled with when I began. In the beginning I couldn’t even figure out how to get to a coding platform to begin my work, so I began to research and found many helpful tips that took me quite a while to understand.

Included in this item (2)


  • Beginners Guide to the World of Python
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