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Northern peatland carbon cycling is under close observation and is critical to include in models projecting the future effects of climate change as these ecosystems represent a significant source of atmospheric methane (CH4). Changes in the in situ conditions, brought

Northern peatland carbon cycling is under close observation and is critical to include in models projecting the future effects of climate change as these ecosystems represent a significant source of atmospheric methane (CH4). Changes in the in situ conditions, brought upon by the warming climate, could alter the rates of organic matter decomposition and accelerate the emissions of greenhouse, changing northern peatland’s status as a carbon sink. In order to develop a better understanding of the climate’s effect on the microbial community composition, carbon decomposition cascade, and flux of CH4 and CO2, anoxic soil microcosms were supplemented with either glucose or propionate to test the distinct intermediary metabolism of four northern peatland sites with statistically similar geochemistry that exist across a climate gradient. Lutose (LT) and Bog Lake (BL) consumed the supplemented glucose at the highest rates, 42.6 mg/L per day and 39.5 mg/L per day respectively. Chicago Bog (CB) and Daring Lake (DL) consumed the supplemented propionate at the highest rates, 5.26 mg/L per day and 4.34 mg/L per day respectively. BL microcosms showed low levels of methanogenesis as CH4 concentrations reached a maximum of 2.61 µmol/g dry soil in the treatments. In DL, the site with the highest production of CH4, the low abundance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens (Methanocellaceae and Methanoregulaceae) and relatively steady concentrations of acetate and formate could indicate that these are the more desired methanogenic substrates. These findings are indicative of the differences in metabolic potential found across these geochemically similar peatlands, lending to climate variables being a major driver in microbial community potential. To further characterize the intermediary metabolism and the effect of the climate gradient in these sites, future experimentations should incorporate 13C DNA-stable isotope probing data, establish a mass balance of the system, and incubate the microcosms at their respective in situ temperatures.

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  • Evaluating the Consumption Rates of Primary Versus Secondary Fermentation Substrates and Methane Production of Northern Peatlands
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