
The transition to three-dimensional and unsteady flow in an annulus with a discrete heat source on the inner cylinder is studied numerically. For large applied heat flux through the heater (large Grashof number Gr), there is a strong wall plume

The transition to three-dimensional and unsteady flow in an annulus with a discrete heat source on the inner cylinder is studied numerically. For large applied heat flux through the heater (large Grashof number Gr), there is a strong wall plume originating at the heater that reaches the top and forms a large scale axisymmetric wavy structure along the top. For Gr ≈ 6 × 109, this wavy structure becomes unstable to three-dimensional instabilities with high azimuthal wavenumbers m ∼ 30, influenced by mode competition within an Eckhaus band of wavenumbers. Coexisting with some of these steady three-dimensional states, solution branches with localized defects break parity and result in spatio-temporal dynamics. We have identified two such time dependent states. One is a limit cycle that while breaking spatial parity, retains spatio-temporal parity. The other branch corresponds to quasi-periodic states that have globally broken parity.

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  • Three-Dimensional Instabilities in a Discretely Heated Annular Flow: Onset of Spatio-Temporal Complexity Via Defect Dynamics
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    • Digital object identifier: 10.1063/1.4881435
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    • Copyright 2014 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics along with the following message: The following article appeared in PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 26, 6 (2014) and may be found at

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    Lopez, Juan M., & Marques, Francisco (2014). Three-dimensional instabilities in a discretely heated annular flow: Onset of spatio-temporal complexity via defect dynamics. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 26(6), 064102.

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